Strange yes (??)
Im not going to bother you, It's not very important because I can use your mod to begin what I want to do so, it's not a problem, I thought it would be easy to know what is the problem...
Hi! This can happen when you restart the preview in the editor. Just make sure you close the book and open it again to refresh its content. Thanks for your anser ! :) I tried but no change, I also exported the mod and tried as a real dungeon (custom dungeon, not the preiew). But same, the book rema...
Hi every body ! And thanks for this wonderfull magic you gave us ! :D I made a Dungeon to try the pack, I used the shard to lvl up and give all the spells, but the spellbook still empty. I can cast all the spells, but no spell is writen in the spellbook. How can I do to have the spells I know in the...
Hi Drakkan, Hi all :) For info : in the Nethelen underground, there is no torch holder to put a torch as on your video (i have 3j version). Thanks a lot for your work, your Mod is really great !!! :) You should share the file for us to study it in the Editor, so we can improve our knowledge and make...
I'm in the city of lost souls, underground, in a tomb that has a note on the wall saying "Place gem of arcane in the alcove to awaken the contraption." I found the solution to this clue (it's really easy) but what should I do after? I can move the big cubes... aaand? This is the curse of ...
Hi Vandalar, Hi every body, I began you mod, it is great, thx for it ! :) Im in the ratling mine lvl 1 (done Rat Boss, puzzle with rune on the floor...) and i went lvl2 (just a passage to the stair to lvl3 and the game crash when i try to go lvl3 from here... What can i do pls ? Also, im stuck with ...