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by evilskillit
Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:14 am
Forum: Modding
Topic: [Mod] Remake of Dungeon Master
Replies: 73
Views: 195007

Re: [Mod] Remake of Dungeon Master

So, got to the end, got the charged up fire staff, have been running around in circles in the room upstairs and can't find Lord Chaos. How do you actually finish this game? Am I just not seeing him or is it a different win scenario now?
by evilskillit
Thu May 03, 2012 1:44 am
Forum: Modding
Topic: spider mod pls :)
Replies: 77
Views: 81451

Re: spider mod pls :)

One of the first Skyrim mods was a mod that replaced the spider models with bear models.
by evilskillit
Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:00 pm
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: LoG spell system poll
Replies: 20
Views: 23003

Re: LoG spell system poll

Ever since Dungeon Master implemented this system I've been waiting for another game to use it. It makes me very happy in Grimrock.
by evilskillit
Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:54 am
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: Move with map open?
Replies: 5
Views: 5787

Move with map open?

Would it be that hard to make it so that you can move while you have the map open. Once a level is cleared and you want to as quickly as possible move from one point to another it would be nice to be able to walk with the map open, I used to do it in Dungeon Hack all the time :D. I don't know if thi...
by evilskillit
Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:49 am
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: [Spoilers] Last level not fun.
Replies: 66
Views: 59410

Re: [Spoilers] Last level not fun.

The boss fight was a real bastard it took many, many attempts but it was a ton of fun and I don't know if I'd change anything about it. The game had the right balance of challenge for me, but I'm sure not everyone will feel that way.
by evilskillit
Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:49 pm
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia
Replies: 64
Views: 72809

Re: Problem with spiders, severe arachnophobia

You think fighting giant spiders in a video game with arachnophobia is tough, imagine if one of your party members had it. He'd probably be in a corner balled up and crying while your other 3 party members had to fight without him :( I know it's tougher to fight when the stakes are high and an enemy...
by evilskillit
Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:34 pm
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: Things the devs didn't think through
Replies: 110
Views: 113758

Re: Things the devs didn't think through

Well people will find enjoyment in things if they want to. Someone with a lot of imagination might get a kick out of maxing out athletics instead of axes. Also after you've beaten the game a few times the challenge of taking a play through and only maxing out the skills that you normally wouldn't us...
by evilskillit
Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:27 pm
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: Some serious suggestions for the future
Replies: 11
Views: 9646

Re: Some serious suggestions for the future

Yeah some door opening monsters can really wreak havoc on best laid plans.

Also a rope to climb down into pits would be nice.

Oh and being able to quaff a potion in your hand by right clicking on it would also be nice.
by evilskillit
Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:06 pm
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: Where's the rope?
Replies: 3
Views: 5655

Where's the rope?

After playing Dungeon Master in 1988 and having a rope to climb down into pits with I found it odd that there didn't seem to be one anywhere in the Grimrock dungeon. Even ripping some vines off the wall and tying them together would have worked. Falling down into a pit and taking damage is one thing...
by evilskillit
Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:57 pm
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: DLC
Replies: 103
Views: 87657


I finished the game once and am on my 2nd playthrough right now and it's been a lot of fun. I'm ready for more. I know the map editor and possibly some mod tools will extend the life of the game quite a bit but if you took the same engine and threw in a new dungeon with more gear and a few new monst...