Hi Im stuck again in greater wimwern woodlands I miss so guidance a lot as I have been exploring all map and underwater with still some places I cant reach. Turtle place with door locked. I have been on the other side, all doors opened, even get a weapon placing item on patience alcove but dnt have ...
Thanks Slayer 1) about point one, I got a music and a message telling me I put something on all pressure plates... 3) I have one rapier, hear one click on first but poison & bolt on 2 & 3... If I do the math i find ... 1? Cant get it I love the mod. Im so addicted to LOG 1 & 2 that Im no...
Hello ENjoying the sun on the beach BUT : :D 1) Got a message saying that I put something on every pressure plate but no idea where to collect or find what happened 2) Bronze key behind a fence at top of ladder... Help! 3) Numbers puzzle with the 3 statues... No idea 4) Bag behind a tree on roof are...