Search found 16 matches

by guigr
Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:32 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Timer running slow when placed in other levels
Replies: 21
Views: 24665

Re: Timer running slow when placed in other levels

Thanks, scripting seems a good idea even if I suck at that. There's some examples that might help me around here :)
by guigr
Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:39 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Timer running slow when placed in other levels
Replies: 21
Views: 24665

Timer running slow when placed in other levels

I have some moving teleporters in my 4th level which require a lot of timers to activate/desactivate. So i wanted to move them to another floor to clear the view a bit. Sadly I found out that everything was working a lot slower. The timer was set at 0.8sec between each teleporter and suddenly it too...
by guigr
Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:53 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Is there a really good dungeon made by grimrock editor?
Replies: 47
Views: 35332

Re: Is there a really good dungeon made by grimrock editor?

The problem is that there's not many feedback about what's good/what's bad in a dungeon.
You can't please everyone but at least some comments would help fix/balance things.
by guigr
Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:15 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: How long do you like it?
Replies: 6
Views: 5691

Re: How long do you like it?

It's a good question as I'm finding myself having some kind of writter block on my dungeon. I made only 5 levels but I can't see myself doing 10+ without repeating myself.
by guigr
Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:57 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Yet another alcove question!
Replies: 5
Views: 5472

Re: Yet another alcove question!

Wow, did you read my mind? I wanted it to work with multiple items but was not sure if it was worth the trouble.
Thanks a lot!
by guigr
Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:35 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Yet another alcove question!
Replies: 5
Views: 5472

Re: Yet another alcove question!

Thanks it works now!
I understand that it was doing the check only if there was an item there (for example a torch). If there was no item it wouldn't close the door. So I've told the alcove to close the door on deactivate and it seems to work.
by guigr
Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:00 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Yet another alcove question!
Replies: 5
Views: 5472

Yet another alcove question!

I'm having a puzzle where I want to have some items in an alcove in order to open a door. It works well using a code taken here but you can just remove the item and the door will stay open. function checkAlcoveForItems() local itemName = "chitin_boots" local alcoveID = dungeon_alcove_3 for...
by guigr
Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:12 am
Forum: Modding
Topic: couple of weird lighting things... maybe bugs.
Replies: 14
Views: 14004

Re: couple of weird lighting things... maybe bugs.

I can confirm that I had the same issue. When creating a corridor not far from a prison ceiling light, the corridor would be lighted where it shouldn't but moving around would 'switch off' the light.
by guigr
Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:21 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Adding natural light from ceiling/shaft?
Replies: 2
Views: 3266

Re: Adding natural light from ceiling/shaft?

Thanks a lot! I was working on dungeon levels so i didn't notice that.
by guigr
Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:02 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Adding natural light from ceiling/shaft?
Replies: 2
Views: 3266

Adding natural light from ceiling/shaft?

I noticed that there are beautiful natural lights in some level mostly coming from shaft, cave in but I can't find any reference to it in the help.
Anyone can explain to me how it works? I want to improve the atmosphere of my dungeon ;)