Search found 4 matches
- Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:17 pm
- Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
- Topic: Things the devs didn't think through
- Replies: 110
- Views: 113382
Re: Things the devs didn't think through
After reading the thread I am of the mind (even though I'm not that gar in the game yet...) that more experience from enemies should be added or at the very least a New Game+ where we keep all the old stats & skills but loose equipment & items. New Game+ usually has something like that but i...
- Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:08 am
- Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
- Topic: Why are savegames in Documents?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 6738
Re: Why are savegames in Documents?
Not everyone runs Vista. $10 says someone will eventually be wanting to run this on windows 2000 for some insane reason. Beyond that minimum requirement is windows xp not vista. Either way; it's a bad idea to change the save game path now that the game has been released. It would mean more work for ...
- Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:42 pm
- Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
- Topic: Next update wish list
- Replies: 94
- Views: 86962
Re: Next update wish list
Well I know there's suggestions about this in the thread already.. because I'm seeing complaints on it *everywhere*. Spell casting is flow breaking; I agree. To add to the myriad of suggestions I've seen on all the different boards that have popped up: Empty hand (either one): casts equipped spell. ...
- Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:53 am
- Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
- Topic: Next update wish list
- Replies: 94
- Views: 86962
Re: Next update wish list
Haven't read the list; just started playing so off hand I don't have an opinion on much. Only thing I want to see is a simple thing; a lower keyboard key to "close all" for open windows. I.e. hit space bar to close character sheet, whichever is open, or if there are puzzle windows close sa...