Older games are strongly recommended :D To get easy access to Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back: http://dmweb.free.fr/ DM and CSB have great puzzles and are still fun ! CSB is kind of hard (monsters and puzzles) - so if you survived DM with a great party do CSB. Other games may used via Dos-Box ...
I know this thread is a bit outdated but here are my two cents :mrgreen: My favorite RPGs are mainly played back in the days on my AMIGA 500 (1 MB Ram, 2nd Floppy): 1. Dungeon Master 1 (and after that "Chaos strikes back" expansion disk) 2. Xenomorph (Awesome Sci-Fi dungeon crawler game a ...
Hey guys! Just pre-ordered the game yesterday directly from you! Thanks again for releasing such a fantastic game ..... I am just a bit confused about the very low price including pre-order discount (9.5 Euro !). In fact I would like to support you guys some more (if you like) - so give me a paypal ...