I hope that doesn't mean we have to put points into swimming.Sol_HSA wrote:You mention water - can dungeons get flooded?
Search found 24 matches
- Sat Jun 21, 2014 7:05 pm
- Forum: Grimrock 2 Discussion
- Topic: [Open Letter] Grimrock 2 Mod Tools
- Replies: 19
- Views: 22608
Re: [Open Letter] Grimrock 2 Mod Tools
- Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:17 pm
- Forum: Grimrock 2 Discussion
- Topic: [Open Letter] Grimrock 2 Mod Tools
- Replies: 19
- Views: 22608
Re: [Open Letter] Grimrock 2 Mod Tools
So many things have changed, I'll just cherrypick these: Elevation support: you can build complex spaces with floors and ceiling at different heights. Water. Fewer hardcoded features. All object properties can be modified from scripts. Component model: build complex object from models, sounds, part...
- Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:45 pm
- Forum: Grimrock 2 Discussion
- Topic: [Open Letter] Grimrock 2 Mod Tools
- Replies: 19
- Views: 22608
[Open Letter] Grimrock 2 Mod Tools
So Legend of Grimrock was an amazing game, but one of the things that to me stood out was the dungeon creation kit. http://i.imgur.com/DMMlgum.jpg I've been enthralled with the modding community for as long as I've been gaming and I had an open letter to everyone here, and most importantly to the de...
- Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:36 pm
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
- Replies: 207
- Views: 254506
Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
Thanks! I think I know now why you had the crashing issues. Any chance you played v1.1 of the mod? At first I thought 'this must be v1.2', but after looking at my changelog I realized it was probably v1.1. That would also explain why the ogre didn't follow you properly (it was too easy, damnit!). I...
- Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:09 am
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
- Replies: 207
- Views: 254506
Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
I'm glad everything has worked out so far, and I finished up the game not to long ago (but you know that already, don't you?) But about the error I was talking about in the Finale, if it helps I managed to repeat it several times and I got this error... http://i.imgur.com/OaQQk.png Not sure how help...
- Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:37 pm
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
- Replies: 207
- Views: 254506
Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
Btw, there is a guy playing through the mod on Youtube ('Let's play' type video). Can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMOevyY8ZHCQ5p6vjgBFTqQ1Qtcl6B2yB No idea whether it's interesting for other people, but I think he's quite funny and for me personally it is a lot of fun watch...
- Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:30 am
- Forum: Creative Corner
- Topic: Lets Play The Legend of Grimrock with Paticus
- Replies: 32
- Views: 43059
Re: Lets Play The Legend of Grimrock with Paticus
May be a bit of a bump, but I am looking forward to the Dungeon Editor/Creator, quite a lot actually 

- Thu May 31, 2012 2:56 pm
- Forum: Creative Corner
- Topic: Lets Play The Legend of Grimrock with Paticus
- Replies: 32
- Views: 43059
Re: Lets Play The Legend of Grimrock with Paticus ~ Aka Dumb
You sir are obviously hearing things. No one in my lets plays scream. I command you to rewrite yoru comment IMMEDIATELY.Brodie301 wrote:Just got to video of lv9 with ogres where you screamed like a girl. Almost pissed myself laughing so hard!
- Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:56 pm
- Forum: Creative Corner
- Topic: Lets Play The Legend of Grimrock with Paticus
- Replies: 32
- Views: 43059
Re: Legend of Grimrock [Blind/Complete] The Dumby Chronicles
Yay, congrats. Now all we have to do is wait for the Dungeon Maker and try out the various dungeons players will make! =D EDIT: WHY THE HELL DID YOU MAKE ME A MINOTAUR?! Is that how you see me?! (T_T) I'm so sorry <_ >I didn't mean to come off as offensive little one :P nice series Thanks. Well don...
- Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:26 am
- Forum: Creative Corner
- Topic: Lets Play The Legend of Grimrock with Paticus
- Replies: 32
- Views: 43059
Re: Legend of Grimrock [Blind/Complete] The Dumby Chronicles
The Lets Play is officially complete. Hazaah's all around!