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by PiIsExactly3
Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:05 pm
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: DLC
Replies: 103
Views: 87770


Jack Dandy wrote:A DLC I'd love to see is something that's on par with a true "Expansion packs" of old.
Seconded. Perhaps something like a high level dungeon, a new class and race or two. Take one party through both and even have fun trying new stuff in the original dungeon.
by PiIsExactly3
Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:46 am
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: Magic is too cumbersome...
Replies: 109
Views: 94386

Re: Magic is too cumbersome...

I think we should take it even further. Completely new combat for Fighters. There's a spider coming at you, get ready! First click on your fighter to open up his inventory. Then click on his scabbard. Once you have done so select "unsheathe" from the menu. Close the inventory screen. Click...
by PiIsExactly3
Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:17 pm
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: Magic is too cumbersome...
Replies: 109
Views: 94386

Re: Magic is too cumbersome...

For those of you who have problems with casting repetition, just use the AutoHotKey script. It works really well. It took me about five minutes to download and set up the scripts. I created a "quick cast" button (basic nuke) for each of my mages, and still use the right click ==> select r...