hmm. i can't see where the start of this problem is. I tried it and it worked for me. Maybe you should download my dropbox file and find the solution i'm not able to find at the moment.
There are enough gold keys there to open all doors. There isn't a "Open Door" Spell available at the moment. I try to use the blob spell but i have no luck with the scripting etc. So i found another way to open that door. Look around you and take a close look at all walls. There aren't any...
1.) I use the herder as screamer. But if somebody can build 3D Models of the original monsters i surely will use them. At the moment i hope to find the right balance between the original monsters and the Grimrock Monsters. 2.) I try to make all secrets the same. Some need scripting some can be done ...
If you download my dropbox file you only have to make a new dungeon and copy my file into the folder. Then you have the ability to see, what i have done to build the dungeon. If you see something that i forgot or you see a bug, you can give me the informations about and i can delete the bug and uplo...
I try to remake the Dungeon Master spells. I started with the Open Door spell. defineSpell{ name = "blobfly", uiName = "blobfly", skill = "spellcraft", class = "Blob", tags = { "spell" }, runes = "B", level = 1, manaCost = 1, projectileSpee...
It seems to work if the empty level is only one level under the one which is needed. I put a 15th Level in my Dungeon Master Remake to try out if it works for me, but it didn't. I got following error code: [string "Party.lua"]:0: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: [string "...
WOW. If this would work so that you can start with an empty party and you can then get four members of your choice than we would have the real beginning of Dungeon Master. So i could write wall text with the Information of the Char and a door where he is behind ready to go.