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by Mire
Thu May 17, 2012 8:43 am
Forum: Modding
Topic: Runes Logic and Custom Spells
Replies: 28
Views: 46358

Re: Runes Logic and Custom Spells

I'd like there to be more tactical spells, even with the current 4 elemental specs. Something simple like Fire + Earth leaving a flaming floor that does a (moderate damage) dot or ignites the enemy. Perhaps traps such as: Element (Fire / Ice / Lightning) Earth (so the trap is on the floor) Balance (...
by Mire
Thu May 17, 2012 8:32 am
Forum: Modding
Topic: Dungeon Editor Progress
Replies: 924
Views: 857847

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Enjoy your vacation.
I'm kind of jealous, how I'd like to go to a warm beach right now.

Mountain weather is too annoying, so much snow / heavy winds / rain / crazy temperature shifts =(.
by Mire
Thu May 17, 2012 8:28 am
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: My negative impressions and suggestions
Replies: 17
Views: 19700

Re: My negative impressions and suggestions

You all should take criticism directed at a game that you didn't make less personally. Agreed, in all honesty some interesting points were brought up. I think it would have been awesome if some of the walls had glowing mushrooms or something as a very dim (eerie) lightning. Or enemies having 'speci...
by Mire
Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:28 am
Forum: Support and Tech Discussion
Topic: Bug: Undead Archer Multiple Hits
Replies: 0
Views: 2017

Bug: Undead Archer Multiple Hits

Hi, I was playing Grimrock today and I believe I found a weird bug, I encountered a pair of skeleton archers (the ones that move together). Getting hit by them right as I was turning my minotaur went from full health to dead instantly, It sounded like he got hit multiple times from all the grunts I ...