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by Kwibus
Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:24 pm
Forum: Grimrock 2 Discussion
Topic: From crystal to crystal
Replies: 4
Views: 8141

Re: From crystal to crystal

This post makes me kinda happy. Because My nearly mod for LOG1 is done. I think you will like it. ( it was hard, but playable, just as I like it, but i tuned it down later for the common players, Its now 100% balanced) But I still got my hard mod save somewhere if you're intrested in the hardmode v...
by Kwibus
Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:23 pm
Forum: Grimrock 2 Discussion
Topic: From crystal to crystal
Replies: 4
Views: 8141

Re: From crystal to crystal

Ironman mode does limit saving to/at crystals only but they can be re-used after a bunch of minutes as much as you like. On top of that not all areas have a crystal so uncovering and reaching the next one in 20..30 minutes could become a bit tight at times. Adding Single Use Crystal mode to Ironman...
by Kwibus
Fri Jul 31, 2015 7:53 pm
Forum: Grimrock 2 Discussion
Topic: From crystal to crystal
Replies: 4
Views: 8141

From crystal to crystal

Hello Folks, I've only recently bought LoG 2 after being an huge fan of part 1 and a former Dungeon Master 1 (and Chaos Strikes Back) fan. Since I was busy with other games I waited till I really wanted it and that time had come. Didn't even buy it from a sale ;) Anyways LoG 1 at hard was still quit...
by Kwibus
Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:14 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Dungeon Editor Public Beta
Replies: 140
Views: 120083

Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Any idea when the Editor goes live?

Dying to play new dungeons.
by Kwibus
Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:00 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Dungeon Editor Progress
Replies: 924
Views: 856681

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Lmaoboat wrote:It feels like this editor has been a week or two away from release for months.
Get over it man. It will come.
We all can't wait, but Petri had to make a music mixer into the editor so we just wait a little longer ;)
by Kwibus
Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:58 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Dungeon Editor Progress
Replies: 924
Views: 856681

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

antti wrote:Here's something I made with the editor:

edit: e;fb
Rofl! That is just hilarious and cool at the same time. Didn't expect this would come out of the Editor :D
by Kwibus
Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:54 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Dungeon Editor Progress
Replies: 924
Views: 856681

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Allthough were are restless and impatient and desperatly awaiting the release of the editor I encourage you to take your time to release this baby as good as possible. There is nothing as frustating as an BUG infested release. I love you guys for making this remake so only cancelling the release of ...
by Kwibus
Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:54 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Dungeon Editor Progress
Replies: 924
Views: 856681

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Editor seems finished, but not released yet?
by Kwibus
Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:45 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: Dungeon Editor Progress
Replies: 924
Views: 856681

Re: Dungeon Editor Progress

Haven't posted since end May, but reading Petri's post made me really happy so I just logged in to say "Keep up the good work!!"

Looking forward to the editor.
by Kwibus
Fri May 18, 2012 11:23 am
Forum: Grimrock 1 Discussion
Topic: My negative impressions and suggestions
Replies: 17
Views: 19652

Re: My negative impressions and suggestions

Sometimes I get the feeling some people miss the point of this game.