Search found 2 matches
- Sat Sep 22, 2012 3:41 am
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: Item-on-Altar with additional condition
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4356
Re: Item-on-Altar with additional condition
Hah! I found a way! First I introduced two new items: cloneObject{ name = "sacrificial_dagger", baseObject = "dagger", uiName = "Sacrificial Dagger", attackPower = 12, damageType = "physical", description = "This dagger has not tasted blood in a long time...
- Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:52 am
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: Item-on-Altar with additional condition
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4356
Item-on-Altar with additional condition
Hey guys, I hope you can help me out with this one. I just opted into the beta and tried the editor, have read a bit of the documentation and basically found what I was looking for already: However, I am not quite satisfied with...