Search found 132 matches

by DeDy
Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:45 am
Forum: Off-topic Discussion
Topic: Whats next for Almost human?
Replies: 5
Views: 9960

Re: Whats next for Almost human?

I think the new game. I hope something like Hired Guns (co-op for 4 players).
by DeDy
Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:01 pm
Forum: Grimrock 2 Discussion
Topic: Thank you Almost Human!
Replies: 2
Views: 4170

Re: Thank you Almost Human!

Consent! Grimrock II is better than I expected. In all respects! Almost Human overcome all dungeons except one: Hired Guns.
by DeDy
Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:25 pm
Forum: Grimrock 2 Discussion
Topic: Legend of Grimrock 3
Replies: 262
Views: 472154

Re: Legend of Grimrock 3

I hope Grimrock III will never be like Wizardry or Might & Magic. The story NPC cities in the dungeon does not belong.
by DeDy
Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:19 pm
Forum: Grimrock 2 Discussion
Topic: Legend of Grimrock 3
Replies: 262
Views: 472154

Re: Legend of Grimrock 3

Grimrock III = Hired Guns :)
by DeDy
Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:06 am
Forum: Modding
Topic: [MOD] Nightfall: First Contact (English language)
Replies: 178
Views: 170169

Re: [MOD] Nightfall: First Contact (English language)

Hi! So far I'm loving your mod! I'm still confused about level 7 and which red soul to give. An actual red gem? Or the red soul key? I know it's been answered before but I've tried everything I can think of :( Red soul is applicable for casting (warrior and thief). Of course! The seventh floor is n...
by DeDy
Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:43 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: [MOD] Chaos Strikes Back - Remake -
Replies: 11
Views: 26368

Re: [MOD] Chaos Strikes Back - Remake -

Indeed very difficult. Truly amazing. Finally completed.
Good work!

Now I know that Grimrock humbled game Chaos Strike Back.
Gratulation Almost Human!

Dungeon Master 10/10
Chaos Strike Back 10/10
Legend of Grimrock 11/10
by DeDy
Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:12 am
Forum: Modding
Topic: Česká modparta pro LoG2
Replies: 10
Views: 9813

Re: Česká modparta pro LoG2

BS nedávno vyšly na iPad a opravdu je nechci dělat. Obecně jsem zdrženlivý k remakům. Inspirace prostředím je ok, ale předělávat starý dungeony do nového - tomu moc nakloněn nejsem, respektive myslím, že na to je tu spousta jiných nadšenců. Krom toho nevím, co bych si vybral dřív, fronta je příliš ...
by DeDy
Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:10 am
Forum: Modding
Topic: Česká modparta pro LoG2
Replies: 10
Views: 9813

Re: Česká modparta pro LoG2

Ahojte, já chci samozřejmě pokračovat ve svém Nightfallu. Pokračování si představuji jako přežívání na ostrově, který ovládl temný pán. Hodně rád bych zohlednil survival prvek. Finále by bylo středně velké podzemí temného pána s hádanky. Jelikož tento rok vyjde hodně zajímavých RPG, které budu chtít...
by DeDy
Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:51 am
Forum: Modding
Topic: [MOD] Nightfall: First Contact (English language)
Replies: 178
Views: 170169

Re: [MOD] Nightfall: First Contact (English language)

Need hints on L6 (DLOD-5). I cannot figure out how to release the bow or the red orb. Thanx. Bow: you quickly behind our system will levers. It is held between the fireball. Red Orb: you have to circumvent the whole, which means to overcome 3 puzzles. The first is the simple hope. Second: you have ...
by DeDy
Sun Mar 30, 2014 1:18 pm
Forum: Off-topic Discussion
Topic: Favorite old school RPG's
Replies: 89
Views: 144578

Re: Favorite old school RPG's

1. Dungeon Master, Chaos Strike Back, Hired Guns , Legend of Grimrock (sorted by date) Definitely the best puzzles 2. Dungeon Master II, Ishar 1+2, Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale 1+2 3. Arx Fatalis, Fallout 1+2. I played well EoB, Black Crypt, and many others, but none had such an amazing puzzles as DM...