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by DeserterKalak
Tue Dec 25, 2012 4:06 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael
Replies: 207
Views: 254378

Re: [Release] The Mine of Malan Vael

Just finished it. Absolutely fantastic. My favourite mod so far. Well done, sir! :)
Man, Malik is a dick. I half expected there to be a secret where he's actually still around and the note was some kind of fake out.
by DeserterKalak
Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:34 am
Forum: Modding
Topic: [MOD] Forbidden Halls
Replies: 391
Views: 473153

Re: [MOD] Forbidden Halls

Great mod, enjoyed the first level a whole lot, but how the hell are you supposed to get past the Path of the Damned on the second level?? My guys are fairly well equipped and leveled, and yet I get absolutely murdered by the last bit with that insane poison-tentacle gauntlet.