Search found 27 matches
- Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:14 pm
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: [Release] Dungeon Master wallset resorce v3.0
- Replies: 52
- Views: 48523
Re: [Release] Dungeon Master wallset
Great work! Thank you for this.
- Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:09 am
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: [MOD]Paths of the Earth
- Replies: 54
- Views: 68273
Re: Paths of the Earth
I try it many times, but every time it ends after few seconds, I cannot find what suppose to do.
- Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:48 pm
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: Elevator test
- Replies: 26
- Views: 21537
Re: Elevator test
that's looks cool so how i could make it? because i was thinking a making elevators in my dungeon tower maybe a tutorial would be nice for me to make a working elevator with call stations You can try this I take my eleva...
- Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:14 pm
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: [Script] SetDefaultParty (SDP)
- Replies: 22
- Views: 29002
Re: [Script] SetDefaultParty (SDP)
So, another question :) How I can prevent party members change slot? or How I can add party member to free slot? The actual problem is: I have two party members (1 and 3), if player change their slots (for example move 3 to 2), and I try add party member 2 (by "party:getChampion(2):setEnabled(...
- Sat Feb 23, 2013 1:43 am
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: [Script] SetDefaultParty (SDP)
- Replies: 22
- Views: 29002
Re: [Script] SetDefaultParty (SDP)
So, another question :) How I can prevent party members change slot? or How I can add party member to free slot? The actual problem is: I have two party members (1 and 3), if player change their slots (for example move 3 to 2), and I try add party member 2 (by "party:getChampion(2):setEnabled(t...
- Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:31 pm
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: [Script] SetDefaultParty (SDP)
- Replies: 22
- Views: 29002
Re: [Script] SetDefaultParty (SDP)
II solved it, the portraits must be in .dds, not in .tga.tymur wrote:Did anyone try to use custom portraits?
In editor, work perfect, but if I export dungeon and try play normally, the portraits are used defaults, not what I set...

- Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:54 pm
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: [Script] SetDefaultParty (SDP)
- Replies: 22
- Views: 29002
Re: [Script] SetDefaultParty (SDP)
Did anyone try to use custom portraits?
In editor, work perfect, but if I export dungeon and try play normally, the portraits are used defaults, not what I set...
In editor, work perfect, but if I export dungeon and try play normally, the portraits are used defaults, not what I set...
- Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:50 pm
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: [Script] SetDefaultParty (SDP)
- Replies: 22
- Views: 29002
Re: [Script] SetDefaultParty (SDP)
It's in the scripting reference: Champion:setEnabled(enabled) Enables or disables the champion. A disabled champion is essentially an empty party slot. You use it like: party:getChampion(2):setEnabled(false) or for i=2,4 do party:getChampion(i):s...
- Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:41 am
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: [Script] SetDefaultParty (SDP)
- Replies: 22
- Views: 29002
Re: [Script] SetDefaultParty (SDP)
No one can help me?
- Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:04 pm
- Forum: Modding
- Topic: [DONE] Grimrock Model Tookit
- Replies: 738
- Views: 672435
Re: [WIP] Grimrock Model Tookit
Now I try just translate the Node0 and Node1 0 -3 0 and this working too, gate is in normal position, but under floor, but the motion is still slow...