Search found 9 matches

by muppler
Sat Feb 23, 2013 1:11 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon
Replies: 577
Views: 653790

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2

Excellent job putting this together. I'm really enjoying it. Now the problem. Stuck in the High Cleric Chamber after killing the two baddies. There is a door which I have no key for, an altar which I have no idea what to place on it (have come across no clues) and no way out (have found no hidden s...
by muppler
Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:40 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon
Replies: 577
Views: 653790

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2

Convert the letters to numbers.... a=1, b=2, c=3 and so on, and it should make sense ;-)
by muppler
Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:15 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon
Replies: 577
Views: 653790

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2

Okay guys for you hardcore players no problem. For me it is a huge thing and I've played lot of games in my life, so what about the casual gamers? Nobody wants it to be easy but few enemies less could make i much better to play in my opinion. The fight ran like this, i freeze one ogre, attack him li...
by muppler
Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:31 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon
Replies: 577
Views: 653790

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2

Hey Drakkan,

I would really love to see a video how you make the fight in snow garden or in the "i will kill you room" :-)
Maybe ill make the fight using those console command, any clue how to enable that console on the latest LOG version?
by muppler
Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:41 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon
Replies: 577
Views: 653790

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2

I really enjoyed your mod, great setting and I had a lot of fun. The first 5 hours of playing were great, but then it got harder and harder (which wouldnt be a problem if there was food and more potions/crystals) But even with a fully healed party and potions Im not sure if I would win a fight again...
by muppler
Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:52 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon
Replies: 577
Views: 653790

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2

So I guess im finished with your mod, didn't come further than the icegarden level, no healing potions anymore, ice damage and then the trap, how could i beat those enemies with such a weak party :-(
by muppler
Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:00 am
Forum: Modding
Topic: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon
Replies: 577
Views: 653790

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2

Thank you, I made it, was a pretty hard fight though. I played further and I have to say, those trap rooms coming after are too difficult (playing on normal). I saved and reloaded like 100 times until I got out of it. Also since several hours of gameplay I got no food and only few healing potions. A...
by muppler
Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:55 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon
Replies: 577
Views: 653790

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2

Hey there stuck again, im in the high clerics chamber with the 2 undestructable enemies,
I read that i need to put a dragon treasure on the altar to escape, but I dont have that... where can i find it?
by muppler
Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:31 pm
Forum: Modding
Topic: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon
Replies: 577
Views: 653790

Re: [MOD] Eye of the Dragon - RELEASED verison2

Hey there, very nice mod so far. But im stuck: at Underground Level 1, there is a bronze door with no keylock and a message "Only experienced members can pass", how do I open it? Also I cleared Underground Level 2, and found no way to level 3 :-( Edit: Found out, without help, continued in...