Search found 66 matches
- Wed Jul 05, 2023 8:41 am
- Forum: Grimrock 2 Discussion
- Topic: Back to Grimrock 2
- Replies: 2
- Views: 11025
Re: Back to Grimrock 2
So I played the the main game through a few more times. It was much easier of course once I could remember again where all the good loot was, what to rush early and so forth. My last party was a lizardman dex rogue, insectoid barb dual wielding light str weapons, a back row minotaur barb who threw s...
- Sun Jun 25, 2023 4:04 am
- Forum: Grimrock 2 Discussion
- Topic: Back to Grimrock 2
- Replies: 2
- Views: 11025
Back to Grimrock 2
I randomly saw someone play Grimrock 2 on Twitch. They were playing a mod, the House of Hardabar I think. Anyway, it rekindled the old fire I used to have for this game so I decided to reinstall it and play it through again (I downloaded that mod too, although have not played it yet). I played the c...
- Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:23 am
- Forum: Off-topic Discussion
- Topic: What Game(s) Are You Playing Right Now?
- Replies: 16
- Views: 33870
Re: What Game(s) Are You Playing Right Now?
So I just finished Divinity: Original Sin (Enhanced Edition). It's an excellent game, similar to Bard's Tale 4 except much more polished, amazingly optimized, it's from an overhead view (and your can rotate the camera angle), and even though combat is turn-based, it's not grid-based, so you have a l...
- Tue Oct 30, 2018 4:45 am
- Forum: Off-topic Discussion
- Topic: What Game(s) Are You Playing Right Now?
- Replies: 16
- Views: 33870
Re: What Game(s) Are You Playing Right Now?
I got beneath the city, and such - and then there's the demon you spot (I engaged it, just to see how that would go - and you can guess it went poorly). The other combat was OK (brigands, and what not) - but I didn't like that the enemy can move forward/backward, but you could only move side/side. ...
- Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:10 am
- Forum: Off-topic Discussion
- Topic: What Game(s) Are You Playing Right Now?
- Replies: 16
- Views: 33870
Re: What Game(s) Are You Playing Right Now?
I just finished Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep. It's similar to Might & Magic X, but with puzzles like in Grimrock and free movement outside of combat. Combat is turn based on a 4x4 grid (you on the bottom, enemies on the top), and it's fun and strategic. I'd say there are more puzzles than in Gri...
- Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:30 am
- Forum: Off-topic Discussion
- Topic: Bards Tale & Wizardry reboot?
- Replies: 34
- Views: 73484
Re: Bards Tale & Wizardry reboot?
I just started The Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep. I'm maybe 4 hours in. Still deciding if I like it, I'm guessing I will once I get the hang of it. It's free movement combined with turn based combat. Some puzzles. The game is badly optimized. It takes a whopping 52 GB of hard drive space (almost). Th...
- Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:02 pm
- Forum: Grimrock 2 Discussion
- Topic: Favorite Race/Class Combo?
- Replies: 14
- Views: 35828
Re: Favorite Race/Class Combo?
I like the following: Minotaur Barbarian for the strength. Normally I go with aggressive head hunters that either use throwing weapons from the back row or dual wield light (strength) weapons in the front row. 2-handed weapons are easier to play though (less clicking, better specials, shields), but ...
- Wed Feb 22, 2017 1:15 pm
- Forum: Custom Dungeons
- Topic: The Mountain
- Replies: 218
- Views: 284293
Re: The Mountain
I think I finished - I received a message saying congratulations - I've finished the first half of The Mountain and then the screen goes black although I can still move around. There was no real final foe, although the insects at the end in the lost forest were tough. There is also an area at the ve...
- Tue Feb 21, 2017 5:52 pm
- Forum: Custom Dungeons
- Topic: The Mountain
- Replies: 218
- Views: 284293
Re: The Mountain
I found the Archer armor set in the Archer's Woods. Also, I realized I did have the Wizard pants (I had just put them on the wrong guy initially assuming they were light armor - mirror leggings). Also, the fights have picked up. I just gained entry into The Mountain... Not sure how much is left, but...
- Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:00 pm
- Forum: Custom Dungeons
- Topic: The Mountain
- Replies: 218
- Views: 284293
Re: The Mountain
Thank you Dr.Disaster, I was now able to solve 1-3 now. For one, I had to move the philosopher stone below the nearby pit to block it, so that I could stand on that square (pit) and push a secret button. For two, the secret button was right there, it was just hard to see me because of the frozen/whi...