Hi guys, How do I add an "onDie" condition to the monster I just spawned? I'd like to do something like: function zarchtonBossfight() spawn("zarchton_ambush", 16, x, y, z, facing, "boss_name") boss_name.monster:onDie(timer_1.timer:start()) zarchton_bossfight.bossfight:a...
Ha! That's it! it's actually this to make it work. Thanks Komag! theWords = { "Hello", "How are you today?", "I'm doing great, by the way", "What would you like to do next?", "Let's go to the park" } currentLine = 1 function playWords() hudPrint(theW...
Hey Scroll, I got your link yesterday, but it says "not found." can you send me another? Also, it might be worth it to take that paypal money and apply it to the steam version. The workshop is totally handy, easy updating, suggestion threads etc. take a look: http://steamcommunity.com/shar...
Like i said, im a noob, but that script actually works and can be adapted to do other things easily. Id be interested In learning the proper syntax to get it working and the stntax cor making other operations besides text work. Looks cool!