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by sps999
Sun Oct 30, 2016 9:38 am
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Modders
Replies: 743
Views: 728250

Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

I was just checking in on the mod, and it looks like things are kicking into some of the final changes. Concerning my room, Potion Labs, I have had a few people test the room and based on the way they played through the room I decided to at one point change a hint given to the player. I was planning...
by sps999
Thu Aug 06, 2015 4:22 am
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Modders
Replies: 743
Views: 728250

Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

I never used my 2 MB's for my room so I have a bit floating over. My memory usage was just my room itself so I imagine you can squeeze the extra MB in.
by sps999
Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:08 am
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Modders
Replies: 743
Views: 728250

Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Lemme know if my puzzles made sense. I want to make sure I don't have creator bias too much for them.
by sps999
Thu May 21, 2015 10:58 am
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Modders
Replies: 743
Views: 728250

Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

I've been able to write a definition for the Ice Lizards a while back after quite a bit of tinkering, mainly for those turn attacks. If needed I can provide it. Also, I would be interested in contributing. Of the remaining rooms the Asylum Labs jumps out as interesting, although I have no huge ideas...
by sps999
Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:25 am
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: [Solved/Item/Spell] Way to tell if party is underwater?
Replies: 50
Views: 55254

Re: [Solved/Item/Spell] Way to tell if party is underwater?

Using the same method I imagine you might be able to set the timer to a boss health bar too. Instead of printing out the timer value set the boss NPC's health to that value. I'm not sure on the specifics of boss timers but if you are able to add health to the enemy it should be fine.
by sps999
Tue Nov 25, 2014 8:35 am
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: Debate: Secret buttons
Replies: 14
Views: 18116

Re: Debate: Secret buttons

Finding the entry button in eob was a highlight of my life, sad, I know. p.s. sometimes a mummy behind a wall, gives a good audio hint something is hidden. Didn't even think of this one, but the enemy behind a wall has been a favorite of mine. To a certain extent this brings up a piece of dungeon c...
by sps999
Tue Nov 25, 2014 3:40 am
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: Debate: Secret buttons
Replies: 14
Views: 18116

Re: Debate: Secret buttons

I feel like Secret Buttons can benefit a dungeon if used sparingly and correctly. When playing through pretty much any dungeon there seems to be a motif that somebody set the dungeon up as some sort of trial. In Grimrock 1 there was a note Toorum left saying how the whole thing seemed like some sort...
by sps999
Wed Nov 19, 2014 7:06 pm
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: Defining new lights?
Replies: 2
Views: 3174

Re: Defining new lights?

Here is a light that I have gotten to work. Perhaps you can use it for reference: defineObject{ name = "cave_light", baseObject = "mine_ceiling_pit_light", components = { { class = "Light", enabled = true, range = 1500, color = vec(0.01, 0.01, 0.01), brightness = 7, cas...
by sps999
Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:53 am
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: How to get info from a teleporter?
Replies: 5
Views: 5484

Re: How to get info from a teleporter?

If you wanted to get lazy you could make another object that you know you can check, such as a script entity with a variable or even a hidden door or lever. Then any time you activate the teleporter also activate the hidden object and check the object for the status.
by sps999
Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:44 pm
Forum: Mod Creation
Topic: Maps that wrap
Replies: 7
Views: 7516

Re: Maps that wrap

Having identical maps also runs the problems of players dropping items on the ground.