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Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:08 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul
Replies: 256
Views: 315744

Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Hello.. I am just playing your mode (for the second time already.. :) ) I just got Bane and Meteor shield.. I am kind of finished here in "Abandoned structures", only there is one more place I cannot reach.. You can see that there is Reed Helmet on the floor.. And next on the right, there...
Wed May 20, 2015 3:13 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul
Replies: 256
Views: 315744

Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul


there is no script which counts steps or something in there.
On which mine level are you (upper or lower?) and which coordinates?
Uploading the save somewhere would also help me debug it.

Thank you!
Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:33 am
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul
Replies: 256
Views: 315744

Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

One drops from the wargs when you enter Grimforest.
One is on the end (altar) in the swamp.
One is in the center area in Darkwood (at the Ogre keepers).
And the last one is in the last room of the realm of the serpent lords.
Sun Feb 22, 2015 11:20 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: My reviews of Grimrock 2 Custom Dungeons
Replies: 36
Views: 52358

Re: My reviews of Grimrock 2 Custom Dungeons

Second, the author of a mod clearly has a vastly easier time completing their own dungeon because they built it themselves, therefor they will not run into problems such as starvation from an extreme lack of food because they know how to speed through. Now normally a dungeon that induces starvation...
Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:41 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul
Replies: 256
Views: 315744

Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

I'm pretty sure it's closed.
Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:49 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul
Replies: 256
Views: 315744

Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Hi, except for the end screen everything you listed unfortunately are bugs. The reason why they are still in there is that they only seem to appear only on about 1 computer out of 10 or 20 (hard to find out real numbers). Originally I didn't expect at all that a closed development editor could cause...
Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:37 am
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: My reviews of Grimrock 2 Custom Dungeons
Replies: 36
Views: 52358

Re: My reviews of Grimrock 2 Custom Dungeons

I thought I would drop a thread in here to review custom campaigns for Grimrock 2. Similar threads were helpful for me in picking out custom campaigns to play for the Grimrock 1 engine. Now, on to the first review. ~ ~ ~ * The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul I suppose this might be ...
Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:37 am
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul
Replies: 256
Views: 315744

Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Hello, unfortunately I can't see any further info from this error, I'm afraid you'll have to try an earlier savegame :-/ I run into this very same error mesage, trying to load my quicksave - from in front of the altar with the Crystal Cuirass before picking it up (activated but not finished Stone p...
Sat Jan 24, 2015 1:21 am
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul
Replies: 256
Views: 315744

Re: The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom of Kahrak'arul

Hey Joerg. Absolutely awesome mod so far, thanks a lot. However, I think I might have encountered a glitch. In the Grimforest right after the first ethereal being (that I kiled with the ethereal blade) there are two vines. Please see screenshot for clarification. However, I can only hit the norther...