Dungeon Master was the original example of this type of game, coming out four years before Eye of the Beholder. It introduced all the elements that you see in Grimrock, and it's clear that it's Grimrock's major inspiration. I think you have to play Dungeon Master to see it - check out one of the ma...
Difficulty affects monsters only and has nothing to with the puzzle difficulty? Surely you haven't done three versions of the puzzles... Could actually be a great idea to divide it. Like...be able to choose: Monsters=easy/normal/hard. Puzzles=easy/normal/hard. For me I like easy-peasy spaghetti-arm...
It's perfectly ok to play on Easy. My better half is playing Grimrock on Easy and she's really enjoying it, which is very nice because she doesn't play RPGs at all. Note that Easy is more challenging than Normal difficulty in your average modern game. Well I do play RPGs and games "en masse&qu...
On a more serious note: When you find yourself in a situation where you can't tell the difference between a real spider and a digital representation of a spider.. It's not a think one can simply control. Sure, with help from specialist, this problem can be dealt with, but maybe not everyone can aff...
Come on. The game is not even released yet and there are already complaints about gameplay! You just cant win, can ya? On a more serious note: When you find yourself in a situation where you can't tell the difference between a real spider and a digital representation of a spider - and let it control...