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by mamoulian73
Sun May 17, 2015 12:42 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: Isle of the Deranged - Revision 1.1
Replies: 427
Views: 501687

Re: Isle of the Deranged

Slayer thanks but I already have that Water Essence (from the Greater woodlands).. I need the other one :) Where is it please? BTW I have been playing this MOD for about a week already.. this is probably the biggest fun I ve had with any mod in any game so far. There are a few bugs (mainly the stuck...
by mamoulian73
Sun May 17, 2015 12:20 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: Isle of the Deranged - Revision 1.1
Replies: 427
Views: 501687

Re: Isle of the Deranged

Hi guyz. I went a long way since I was stuck last but now I think I need a bit of a help again. I placed all elemental gems on pedestals but I am still missing one water gem (Ive got the one from Greater Woodlands) and one Balance gem (Ive got the one from the 4-power gem fusion). I think the second...
by mamoulian73
Fri May 15, 2015 9:33 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: Isle of the Deranged - Revision 1.1
Replies: 427
Views: 501687

Re: Isle of the Deranged

Look for a button nearby..
by mamoulian73
Fri May 15, 2015 6:42 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: Isle of the Deranged - Revision 1.1
Replies: 427
Views: 501687

Re: Isle of the Deranged

About this key for the turtles section in Greater Woodlands.. I still cannot find it. You said we should go through the Living Forest to get and that we did. But the key lies on an altar which is inaccessible. Can you please hint as to how to get it? Thanks.
by mamoulian73
Thu May 14, 2015 7:36 am
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: Isle of the Deranged - Revision 1.1
Replies: 427
Views: 501687

Re: Isle of the Deranged

Oh, how could I have missed the lock in the Woodlands, I am so stupid! Thanks! As for the gem in Eastern Zhaoze I still cant get to it. What you have described to me is not a solution unfortunatelly because I already know about this secret teleporter and it does go the Eastern Zhaoze but not to the ...
by mamoulian73
Wed May 13, 2015 3:59 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: Isle of the Deranged - Revision 1.1
Replies: 427
Views: 501687

Re: Isle of the Deranged

Okay I now spent two hours trying to find the secret in Southern Zhaoze leading to the essence gem in Estern Zhaoze. I did find the secret teleport leading to the Ancient Claymore niche (cross map jump) and I have a suspicion that the other (inactive) teleporter on the eastern side of Souther Zhaoze...
by mamoulian73
Wed May 13, 2015 7:48 am
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: Isle of the Deranged - Revision 1.1
Replies: 427
Views: 501687

Re: Isle of the Deranged

Aha! So that was what opened the Elemental Plains! I thought it would give me an access to the elemental gem next to it (the lever in Eastern Z.) How do I get to that bloody gem I wonder? There is no access to that little island.. I can see some letter lying there on the floor through the reeds, I a...
by mamoulian73
Tue May 12, 2015 10:42 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: Isle of the Deranged - Revision 1.1
Replies: 427
Views: 501687

Re: Isle of the Deranged

Oh, I see.. so there are THREE secret buttons in the Excavation area, not just two, one for each challenge. Okay, I will go and find the third one :) Thnx! As for the southern Zhaoze.. thanks for answering.. I found the lever after the forcefield and that lever actually broke the golden rule and rem...
by mamoulian73
Tue May 12, 2015 7:27 am
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: Isle of the Deranged - Revision 1.1
Replies: 427
Views: 501687

Re: Isle of the Deranged

Thank you for answering my question Slayer but you answered only one of the two, let me resend the first one: 1) In the Excavation Site I am simply unable to get into the huge southern section. I did complete two northern puzzles but there is a THIRD spike door blocking my entry when I get back to b...
by mamoulian73
Mon May 11, 2015 10:23 pm
Forum: Custom Dungeons
Topic: Isle of the Deranged - Revision 1.1
Replies: 427
Views: 501687

Re: Isle of the Deranged

First I would like to thank the author for this fantastic mod. It is huge and intricate. Sometimes a bit obscure but that is all the better for me :) Anyway, I am hopelessly stuck and so I would humbly ask for advice: 1) In the Excavation Site I am simply unable to get into the huge southern section...