How good is invisibility
How good is invisibility
I can't decide which path to level my mage, anti poison is tempting, but so id the fireball I discovered by experiment, the light and dark spells were a bit of a disappointment with the short radius and I just want to kn ow by how much invisibility will improve my combat potential so I can decide what path to take.
Re: How good is invisibility
sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt...if you're right next to them they will attack you. Also some monsters seem to zero in on you no matter how far you are.
Re: How good is invisibility
Invisibility is VERY nice. It saved my ass quite a few times in Level 6 when I was down to only my Air mage left.
Re: How good is invisibility
Sweet, on level five and one level away from invisibility, chose to pursue it anyway
. Good thing too, haven't seen a poisoning enemy it a while and lightning bolt has been a hammer of the gods since I got it.