Last order has posted a solution for this and i have read another one in the steam comments the pretty much the same, i have try this multiple times but it does not work.Dr.Disaster wrote:Not sure what you mean by bugged. All you need to realize here is that the party can spiral in and out of the center plate in more than one way. IIRC once you did all possible variants the door opens.rahxephon wrote:Great mod last order i really enjoyed it but i think the spiral puzzle is bugged for me i try the order you posted and another one i saw in the steam forums but none of them works.
Each time i solved this was with a different comb, the first time i got in the center but in my haste i got 1 tile further(the one near the first entrance)as i start to go back and half way trough the gate open, the second time was the longest i was trying stuff for about an hour the i give up and go to forums and the solution but when i try it it didn't work so i tried different stuff i had to do 3 or 4 spirals for it to work,my third attempt i don't remember exactly how i open,every time i do 1 spiral but the part where you retake yours steps doesn't seems to work for me each time it's something different.
Regardless this is an amazing mod it feels like an "official" dlc