[Mod] Crashed

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Re: [Mod] Crashed

Post by severgates »

Curak wrote:
severgates wrote:Hello
First of all congrats- I'm having lots of fun while playing your mod :) Monsters are not overpowered (maybe Sandworms are bit tough, but not impossible to beat). Riddles are carefully designed but not impossible to solve. Maps are intriguing with some hidden goods. Great work.
But of course I have some problems with solving riddles and need help.
1. Where to find Iron Key needed to open Boss Fight in Rat Sewers?
2. Higher Catacombs in Wastelands- "Show that you know ways of death" riddle. I've found Embalmer's Pants in Lower Catacombs (hidden switch) but don't have keys to progress through and don't have an idea what to put into niches?
3.I've found Essence Temple in SE Wastelands location, where you have to put 4 essences in proper places to progress through. I've already found Earth Essence and Air Essence (left it somewhere in Castle where there was also Air Temple and I've got scroll "the archer may become tempest". Do I have to get Air Essence back from temple in Castle?
4. Cannot find a skull key needed in Miralk's Tomb on Swamp.
5. Rat Sewers location- near door with Boss Battle is a place, where are four plates on walls with inscriptions about order of doing something with them. I cannot figure out what are they reffering to.
Pls help
Hey there, sorry for the slow response! lets see if i can help you out with all of these...
1. They key for the sewers boss is located in the crystal caverns off of the Southern Highlands, be warned the Crystal Caverns is a tough zone and the sewer boss is even harder.
2. The other embalmers pieces are scattered around the game in small crypts.
3. You would have to retrieve the air essence to place it in the temple.
4. The skull keys are behind the embalmer armor puzzle, and are used in places where you found the embalmer armors.
5. The plaques are referring to themselves, if you visit them in the order they list, it will solve a riddle.

Another hint: the scrolls from the altars talk about items you can place on an altar, while the essence is powering it, to create new items. These are very helpful if you go for the harder alternate ending!
Hope this help! I'm glad to hear your enjoying it. I've got some free time on my hands now and I may be adding another end boss to the optional ending path.
Thx for answers!
A suggestion- maybe you should add information somewhere to not throw out Embalmer's Armor pieces. I've thrown out headpiece (don't remember where) and have to search all areas :evil:
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Re: [Mod] Crashed

Post by jahmiann »


It's an interesting mod, i can finish it with 1 set of essences by in would like to complete the 2nd set.

Here my question:
- Only rogue boots is missing: where can i find it ?
- I found 1 mine key (by killing the lake's ogre), but i don't find the second mine key to crawl second floor of mine
- I am stuck on the 4th floor of the tower of sky (when i fall in the pit it reset philosophal stone)
- All archmage set is missing expect the boots. What i missed ?
- 2 essence bless is missing what items shall i use ?
"The devel may become a warrior" (earth)
"The pride of the tribe may strike with deadly chill" (water)
- For the last air blessing the orb of light is missing where can i get it ? (maybe with the 2nd mine key ?)
- 1 earth and 1 air essense is missing where can i find it (air maybe in the top of the tower of sky ?, but earth i don't know)
- there is a puzzle in the bay of mist with 3 slabs near the heal crytal, i don't understand what i need to do ?
- Does best heavy weapon like :Great Axe, Bane, Meteor Hammer, can be found in this mod ?
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Re: [Mod] Crashed

Post by Isaac »

macBos wrote:Like Curak asked, I would like to know that too. I was trying to upload my mod somehow to steam workshop but I didn't succeed. (I own GOG version)
I'm ~reasonably sure that you need to own the Steam version to use Steam's hosting service.
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Re: [Mod] Crashed

Post by marten_1992 »

on the 4th level in the tower of sky with the movable stones ...
did you see that the areas they cover do overlap ?
"The devel may become a warrior" (earth)...
that is something you normally use in mines ;)
puzzle in the bay of mist...
the pressure plates open a secret room where you have to put
some set items on 4 altars
and btw : great mod :D :D :D
bregdan anweald gafeluec ...
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Re: [Mod] Crashed

Post by trancelistic »

I've find 2 earth and 1 fire so far.

Code: Select all

But kinda stuck now. No idea where to go now. I've obtainted 2 skulls out of the 3 warriors. No idea where the third is.
Not sure If i need the third atm. But I've filled the wole map up so far.  The only Place I see on the map but can't get to is in the lower levels of the mine. ( below a top floor crystal with 4 pits)
EDIT as comment:

Code: Select all

 Haha you are really a  sneaky bastard<3. Solving the puzzle to gain  gloves who do firedamage as melee strike. This item is really bad haha:) I love you for that. Sneaky bastard.
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Re: [Mod] Crashed

Post by Curak »

Hey guys, a while back my hard drive crashed and I was unable to recover the editor file, so the current version will have to be the last. To be honest I only had a few tweaks left, pretty sure i got most of the bugs out. I haven't really thought about it in a few months, and didn't realize people might still be playing it. I'll do my best to answer questions if I can!
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Re: [Mod] Crashed

Post by Curak »

jahmiann wrote:hi

It's an interesting mod, i can finish it with 1 set of essences by in would like to complete the 2nd set.

Here my question:
- Only rogue boots is missing: where can i find it ?
- I found 1 mine key (by killing the lake's ogre), but i don't find the second mine key to crawl second floor of mine
- I am stuck on the 4th floor of the tower of sky (when i fall in the pit it reset philosophal stone)
- All archmage set is missing expect the boots. What i missed ?
- 2 essence bless is missing what items shall i use ?
"The devel may become a warrior" (earth)
"The pride of the tribe may strike with deadly chill" (water)
- For the last air blessing the orb of light is missing where can i get it ? (maybe with the 2nd mine key ?)
- 1 earth and 1 air essense is missing where can i find it (air maybe in the top of the tower of sky ?, but earth i don't know)
- there is a puzzle in the bay of mist with 3 slabs near the heal crytal, i don't understand what i need to do ?
- Does best heavy weapon like :Great Axe, Bane, Meteor Hammer, can be found in this mod ?
Ok so lets see what i remember...

Not sure where the rogue boots are, the entire set should be in buried chests or in secrets.
There should be another mine key in the southern hills? near the middle of the area, there's a corpse with a note and the key.
Archmages set.. whew, pretty sure the hat is hidden in the tower of air you have to fall down a certain hole in the puzzle room. Can't remember the others but it is all in the game.
"Pride of the tribe" should be a tribal spear, from out on the beach, should make a custom made (and pretty powerful) ice spear.
The orb of light is hidden in a puzzle in the sewers under the ruins.
Second earth is in the second part of the mines, and second air should be in the sewer's, but you need a key from the Crystal caverns.
Bay of mist puzzle: each button moves certain walls in the maze next to it, there are two secrets and and the ritual altar area hidden within.
There should be a good 2h weapon in the fire temple if you return after freeing the fire giant, and i think the special ice spear might be two handed.
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Re: [Mod] Crashed

Post by Curak »

[quote="trancelistic"]I've find 2 earth and 1 fire so far.

But kinda stuck now. No idea where to go now. I've obtainted 2 skulls out of the 3 warriors. No idea where the third is.
Not sure If i need the third atm. But I've filled the wole map up so far. The only Place I see on the map but can't get to is in the lower levels of the mine. ( below a top floor crystal with 4 pits)
The three skulls: one is in a small crypt in the swamp, one is in another small crypt in the NE corner of Mirror lake, and the other is right down there in the main crypt.
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Re: [Mod] Crashed

Post by TinyZu »

Alright, pleasantly surprised by this one~

To begin with, the maps were all fairly well constructed aside from a few less engaging parts like the upper mines. There's also quite a lot of backtracking to be had, but such is the way of it for first playthroughs. Would be nice to have a hub though, like in the vanilla game.

I did see some mechanical prowess in certain puzzles, but the majority of brain juice went into metaphors that would often incorporate either the map, your surroundings, items, or item names. That's not a bad thing though. It's a smart way of providing challenges without the need for complex mechanics. Not too many mods manage to find a nice balance between the inside and the outside of the box, but your riddles were never too obvious nor too far-fetched even if some may dislike them because they're on the easy side.

The riddles tie into the charm and personality of the mod though. The way you incorporated the very elements to empower the player is simple but brilliantly thematic. It's a shame you didn't do more with the second ending after all this, but it wasn't too much of a disappointment. At least you reward hoarding, as much of a pain as it is for others to look for stuff they dropped because they rightfully assumed it was worthless. Bonus content be bonus content.

Enemy placement was mostly good as well. Sometimes, rng would bunch them up, but at least there is only a single instance in this mod that requires you to tank because there's literally no other choice, unless you bring a frost bomb. What I did not like too much were the raised stats on enemies across the board. I don't have a huge problem with it because what it does do is that it makes you respect even normally trivial enemies, but those rockies are absolutely ridiculous. It's pretty much a game of scoring a critical hit or dealing 1 damage with even the strongest / armor ignoring weapons in the game, and my mod parties almost exclusively focus on offense. I don't even want to imagine how a more defensive party is supposed to handle these guys if they didn't invest in alchemy either.

The final verdict is that you get good value out of a small but well optimized mod. However, the completion time is definitely not representative of the actual length of this mod because you will inevitably end up walking back and forth quite a few times as you find stuff for stuff in other parts of the world and stuff, and stuff. Again, it's also among the easier mods out there in terms of intellectual challenge, but that makes it a great one to get started with a fairly positive first impression unless you're a hardcore puzzle person.

Really though, the biggest reason for why this was such a pleasant surprise is that this was the very first mod you had ever published. Despite that, great care went into it, and that is reflected by the overall quality. You're right of course. It's nothing groundbreaking or ambitious, but it does what it sets out to do well. It just wants to have a good time and occasionally throw nearly invulnerable rocks at you. But hey, it could have been nearly invulnerable mosquitoes instead~
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Re: [Mod] Crashed

Post by jahmiann »

jahmiann wrote:hi

It's an interesting mod, i can finish it with 1 set of essences by in would like to complete the 2nd set.

Here my question:
- Only rogue boots is missing: where can i find it ?
- I found 1 mine key (by killing the lake's ogre), but i don't find the second mine key to crawl second floor of mine
- I am stuck on the 4th floor of the tower of sky (when i fall in the pit it reset philosophal stone)
- All archmage set is missing expect the boots. What i missed ?
- 2 essence bless is missing what items shall i use ?
"The devel may become a warrior" (earth)
"The pride of the tribe may strike with deadly chill" (water)
- For the last air blessing the orb of light is missing where can i get it ? (maybe with the 2nd mine key ?)
- 1 earth and 1 air essense is missing where can i find it (air maybe in the top of the tower of sky ?, but earth i don't know)
- there is a puzzle in the bay of mist with 3 slabs near the heal crytal, i don't understand what i need to do ?
- Does best heavy weapon like :Great Axe, Bane, Meteor Hammer, can be found in this mod ?
Thx a lot for your inputs. finally i restarted the mod and get the 8 essences and done all blessing. (rogue boots is still missing)

But 2 problem/question left :
1°) About the rat ruins upper top the sewer 1 ornate key is missing to open last gate after helmet of valour.
I think there are the exact number of ornate keys but i spent the missing ornate key to open the door near the "toll payment".
I ready to restart another time this mode if you give some clue about this toll.

2°) After open the first door by placing each essences on its forge and kill the first boss, i unable to create the essence of balance.
On the wall it wrote "purity tempered by opposition thus is balance forged", a tip joined on this forum said "placing an essence in the opposite forge (while the forge is active) will create an essence of balance, so you must visit all four forges and have found all eight essences". I tried all combination with the last 4 essences on forges located in the second room but nothing happen. It's very frustrating ...
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