custom portaits in my mod

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Re: custom portaits in my mod

Post by Drakkan »

FeMaiden wrote:okay.

just fyi, I'm not trying to start "that" discussion here...
I'm not trying to take control away from the player.
I do not have anything against people that like to use imported characters.
however, this is more of a small side project while my bigger mod is on hold, and it is heavy on storytelling and changing the characters to a predetermined party is ncessary for my storyline.
I have seen other modders do it and i played their mods and enjoyed them.

and I took the time to make some rather off-beat custom portraits to lend more character to my mod.
not sure what you want to say to be honest. How the mod will be designed is totally up to you. In my mod I do not have possibility to import characters or play with custom party, you are gaining characters as the game progress. If you think it is better approach for your dungeon go for it. It all depends on how you set it and if the duneon will be good to play.
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Re: custom portaits in my mod

Post by FeMaiden »

another side question.

since i'm defining the champion's characteristic myself.

when I do

Code: Select all

where do I find the "names" of the traits?

I mean, i already know the names, but some of the traits like 'fast metabolism (lizardman)'
is that the name I type in there?
or do I type "fast_metabolism_(lizardman)"

or do I just put "fast_metabolism"?

and then I see cold-blooded is hyphenated in the game

in the script, do i put "cold-blooded" or "cold_blooded"?

as for my previous comment about the imported parties I was just trying to shutdown any possible judgementals against me like "why are you trying to prevent the player from using imported parties?! why are you forcing them to use YOUR characters?"
I was merely justifying myself , when I guess I did not need to
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Re: custom portaits in my mod

Post by FeMaiden »

actually, i'm doing some experimenting, and I discovered that for the race specific traits, I don't put the name of the race in the () so it's just "head_hunter" or "mutation"
but i'm having another problem.
i'm trying to add the trait 'muscular'
and the game does not recognize it. it says "warning invalid trait: muscular"
and for cold-blooded, neither "cold-blooded", nor "cold_blooded" works.

I suppose I just need a link to the actual "names" the internal game engine uses for these traits..

it's odd because 'tough' works and 'agile' works and so do 'head_hunter' and 'mutation' so I thought they would all use their own name and not spell it differently in the syntax
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Re: custom portaits in my mod

Post by FeMaiden »

welp, i guess I really should take some more time to look at the scripting references and the asset pack before immediately coming here and asking you guys...

I found it in the traits.lua file

apparently they use the name "athletic" for the "muscular" trait...I dunno, what were they thinking there?

but no problem, i'll just get all the names from there. although I i wish there was just a list of the names somewhere, instead of me having to scroll down through all that code scanning for the trait names.
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Re: custom portaits in my mod

Post by minmay »

There is not, and has never been a trait called "Muscular" anywhere in the game. It's always referred to as "Athletic".
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Re: custom portaits in my mod

Post by cromcrom »

Femaiden, use notepad++, or some other code editor, and "search" on open files. It will save you a LOT of time :-)
And Indeed, getting to now the asset pack and modding part of the forum is a must if you want to get serious about modding (although that probably won't prevent you from coming around and ask the community. There are amazing scripters around (of which I am definitely not, btw :-) )
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Re: custom portaits in my mod

Post by FeMaiden »

minmay wrote:There is not, and has never been a trait called "Muscular" anywhere in the game. It's always referred to as "Athletic".
oh really? then why do I have my LoG 2 game open at the character creation screen staring right at a trait called "MUSCULAR"?

it is
just below "healthy'
just above "natural armor"
to the left of "mutation (ratling)"

at character creation you can choose traits for your characters. they have like "Daemon ancestry" which improves fire resistance. in the editor you actually have to type the name "fire_resistant" and cold blooded is "cold_resistant"
they have "agile" = +2 dexterity
"strong mind" = +2 wilpower
and then there is "muscular" = +2 stength.

where do you get that "there is not and has never been a trait called muscular"

I dunno what version of the game you are playing that calls it athletic.
does your version also call "martial training" "weapon_specialization"?
are you also going to tell me that daemon ancestry and cold-blooded have never existed as well?
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Re: custom portaits in my mod

Post by FeMaiden »

yep M U S C U L A R, that spells aaaaath-letic. :)

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Re: custom portaits in my mod

Post by minmay »

My mistake! I was thinking of Grimrock 1. Sorry.
FeMaiden wrote:does your version also call "martial training" "weapon_specialization"?
Actually, the game did call it Weapon Specialization in older versions.
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Re: custom portaits in my mod

Post by FeMaiden »

minmay wrote:My mistake! I was thinking of Grimrock 1. Sorry.
FeMaiden wrote:does your version also call "martial training" "weapon_specialization"?
Actually, the game did call it Weapon Specialization in older versions.
I'm sorry too. I got a little "catty" there...I finally had the opportunity to condescend onto you. I apologize for that.
it's not your fault, I have a lot of pent up energy from learning this new scripting language and all.
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