[Mod] Sever The Wicked 2

Are you looking for fun Custom Dungeons that you could play or do you want to share your mod with others? Then this forum is for you!
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[Mod] Sever The Wicked 2

Post by SpacialKatana »

[Mod]Sever The Wicked 2

Following on from my LoG1 mod 'Sever The Wicked', this dungeon for LoG2 promises to be bigger and better. Obviously I've a lot more to do before it's
final, as like everyone else I'm eagerly awaiting the release of the asset files to get my hands on those yummy scripts!

Current version has 11 playable maps including dungeons and outside vistas. You can find it in the Steam Workshop.


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Re: [Mod] Sever The Wicked 2

Post by SpacialKatana »

I assume from lack of replies no one actually tried this mod :(

Player base does seem smaller than LoG, which is weird . Shame I'll have to bin it then.

Anyhows, happy modding guys, SK.
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Re: [Mod] Sever The Wicked 2

Post by Drakkan »

to be honest I did not notice this mod and I have problem to search on Steam.
is is finished, or still in some beta-stage ?
Breath from the unpromising waters.
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Re: [Mod] Sever The Wicked 2

Post by RMariano »

SpacialKatana wrote:I assume from lack of replies no one actually tried this mod :(

Player base does seem smaller than LoG, which is weird . Shame I'll have to bin it then.

Anyhows, happy modding guys, SK.

Ah.... the horrid dangers of assuming. I've played it and its good... I was waiting for the "finished" product.... Not a note of despair and "I quit".

We're out here.... - remember the times are rough and many people are struggling just to survive. ;)


Re: [Mod] Sever The Wicked 2

Post by fatrem »

Hi, fine mod.
I'm stuck in the earthern temple, with the block riddle in the center of the map. I killed the 2 stone golems, put a stone on each plate, push the block til the end and push two secret buttons in the "corridor". I also jumped in the traps...
Nothing happened... I can't exit this place ! Please help !
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Re: [Mod] Sever The Wicked 2

Post by Jaberwoke »

It wouldn't hurt to include a link to the mod rather than asking people to search for it.
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Re: [Mod] Sever The Wicked 2

Post by RMariano »

Any chances for a complete version? Please......

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Re: [Mod] Sever The Wicked 2

Post by SpacialKatana »

Jaberwoke wrote:It wouldn't hurt to include a link to the mod rather than asking people to search for it.
Even now, there's only like 3 pages of dungeon mods on Steam. That's like 4 clicks max to find it ya lazy anthropoid :lol:
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Re: [Mod] Sever The Wicked 2

Post by eLPuSHeR »

Please add a [WIP] tag to title and post some links.
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Re: [Mod] Sever The Wicked 2

Post by Azel »

SpacialKatana wrote:I assume from lack of replies no one actually tried this mod :(

Player base does seem smaller than LoG, which is weird . Shame I'll have to bin it then.

Anyhows, happy modding guys, SK.
I noticed an exceedingly small player base for LoG 2 as well. Even looking at the stats of other Mods that were released quickly, like the Pale Moon and Dwarven mods. I feel that Grimrock 2 is ideal for Mod noobs to get their feet wet with Game Design concepts before moving on to more sophisticated industries and genres; like the multi-million player base of Elder Scrolls, or pure game development via the Unity or Unreal engines.

I never played your first version of this Mod (I was a little late to the party), but I'll be happy to give this one a shot :mrgreen:
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