In the starting area, there is a small rock wall on an elevated part of the beach. The player can walk through it. Doesn't cause any issues, just a graphic thing.
The boss battle in the dungeon with the 2 Skeleton Warriors seemed a bit odd. The music is the super epic Lindworm battle and I actually had to walk around trying to find the 2 bosses. Once I found them it was easy enough to kill them, but the music and setting didn't really match the confrontation.
Just some initial feedback. The overall design looks great so far.
[Mod] Sever The Wicked 2
Re: [Mod] Sever The Wicked 2
Made it to Guardian Halls and I think I'm stuck
I found the Bone Club and put it in the Alcove, which lead me to a room with a big Push Stone puzzle. I pushed it the wrong way it looks like, and now I can't get it back to the center in order to push it along the proper path. Unless there is a way to "pull" it backwards? A reset switch somewhere?