[Mod] Sever The Wicked 2

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Joined: Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:40 pm

Re: [Mod] Sever The Wicked 2

Post by Azel »

In the starting area, there is a small rock wall on an elevated part of the beach. The player can walk through it. Doesn't cause any issues, just a graphic thing.

The boss battle in the dungeon with the 2 Skeleton Warriors seemed a bit odd. The music is the super epic Lindworm battle and I actually had to walk around trying to find the 2 bosses. Once I found them it was easy enough to kill them, but the music and setting didn't really match the confrontation.

Just some initial feedback. The overall design looks great so far.
Posts: 808
Joined: Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:40 pm

Re: [Mod] Sever The Wicked 2

Post by Azel »

Made it to Guardian Halls and I think I'm stuck
I found the Bone Club and put it in the Alcove, which lead me to a room with a big Push Stone puzzle. I pushed it the wrong way it looks like, and now I can't get it back to the center in order to push it along the proper path. Unless there is a way to "pull" it backwards? A reset switch somewhere?
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