1. Rogues are somewhat useless. They can attack from the second line but so can mages and they are by far more versatile. Also the backstabbing doesn't work well for me, maybe it's just me beeing to old to fuddle around with the movement. Without an enemy beeing frozen i couldn't land a backstab yet. The Missile/Throwing adds some nice variety but mages can throw as well and use Spears to attack. I haven't tried using rogues in the front line since tanks are more reliable and have a ton more health. I hope Almost Human changes either the Rogues abilities or work on the backstabbing to bring Rogues to their deserved Glory =)
2. I really miss the learning by doing from DM. The fixed skill system doesn't work as well for me, i can't really say why maybe because of the thrill in gaining an unexpected skill.
3. Potion brewing with ingredients limits its use by a lot. The System from DM were you could literally cast a spell into a flask was superior to the brewing in LoG. I understand that LoG does not pretend to be an exact remake and the DM brewing could disturb the gamebalance in ways i haven't thought of.
4. The Spells seem somewhat limited, i wish there were more Spells.
5. Luring Enemies under doors. Yes, i used the doors in DM a LOT. Too bad it doesn't work in LoG but thats just a minor

All in all LoG is, as i said, a precious gem between all the casual easy mode games that flood the market. I will play it over and over and im exited about upcomming DLCs which i will buy the moment they are available.