[Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Modders

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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by Dhomochevsky »

First anniversary :D
Any news about the project?
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by Jgwman »

I had a lot of trouble finding anyone who either wanted to and/or had time to work on a room, and still no news from John that I'm aware of. No news here :/
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by Isaac »

Well, I'm still ~technically working on my room, but not recently. Large contiguous blocks of spare time have been scarce to come by. I believe that Diarmuid and Skuggs have both finished their rooms; both pretty cool too. :)

** Did I read correctly (somewhere) that minmay changed his mind and is considering including a room as well?

I am looking forward to the ORRR3 getting done, and its release. I've not heard from John via PM/Skype, but he has an active Twitter feed, last I checked.
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by minmay »

I am also working on a room, yes.
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by Eleven Warrior »

Well I hope Johns ok. Hmmmm cant wait to see Min's room should be cool :)
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by aaneton »

I'm still here aswell. Silently watching and judging....


Seriously, maybe someone should take over Johns role (as we have the latest file). Then start kicking people who are still set making a room to implement them. Then just dismiss the drop-outs and make the dungeon sane by removing unused rooms and adapt paths accordingly. Any volunteers?
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by Jgwman »

I mean, I kinda gave it a shot. I'd still be glad to help, but there are a couple issues.

For one, John was also doing modeling & such for project components IIRC (for the end level items and such) which I have no ability to do (he also created the bookshelf asset I used, which needed some sort of tuning for projectile collisions without which my room doesn't function correctly - though it is already implemented it's kinda buggy ATM). If John can't do this anymore, I need someone else who can to volunteer.

Other than that, I spoke to everyone remaining on the project list, and they are either no longer interested (which I indicated on a updated list a page or so back - can't make changes to John's post on the first page) or just not done/too busy (minmay, Isaac, Zo Kath Ra, John). Unfortunately it seems the project reached a point where we really just need to either wait until the remaining developers have time, or cut the rooms (which seems unfair to me, since it's not their fault they're so busy). We have very recent updates from minmay and Isaac in particular; input is welcome here.

I'd be glad to help with redesigning the main rooms a bit to account for missing rooms, but I'd be interested in investing the time to do so when I see some progress other places in the mod. I don't feel comfortable just calling it a done deal as is and reworking the hubs to exclude these four rooms (plus the other abandoned rooms) unless each modder specifically told me they no longer have time, and there's no point removing the currently abandoned rooms IMO when we could potentially also be removing more later.

TL;DR, I'm still interested in getting this thing moving but I need input from everyone else involved with the project, as well as some solid plans from the remaining four modders, and potentially someone with basic Blender experience :)
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by THOM »

Hi Jgwman. At this point I am getting a bit confused. Are you saying, modders have resigned from making a room?

If yes, and if you are aware, who is in the boat an who not, can you post the list from page one with the latest infos? Otherwise I am loosing the track...
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by Diarmuid »

Hi all, glad to see some discussion going on here again :). My room is finished and implemented in any case, and I'm still around the project if you need help with testing and such.

As for what to do next, well at some point the project needs to have some deadlines set and everything wrapped, else it will go on indefinitely. This means also someone must take on the work of "completing" the mod, cutting unfinished stuff, connecting the rest in a coherent manner... Skuggs did that with ORRR1 when Spiderfighter at the time stepped out. I did the same with ORRR2. And yes, it means just going with it and taking personal decisions without consulting everyone one by one because there's no way to do that efficiently.

There's testing for that: I implemented lots of things by myself in the ORRR2 on my own decision (the teleportation system, the vault, the treasure rooms, the boss fight, the condemned areas), and then in the different betas things were removed/adjusted, people gave feedback.
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod

Post by Jgwman »

THOM: From Page 19:

Remaining rooms:
Room 5. akroma222 (NO DEV) - Catacombs (9x9x3) - All Underground.
Room 6. Leki (?) - Town East (12x12x2) - Top Overground. Can be 9x9x3.
Room 9. FeMaiden (?) - Asylum Dungeon (Labs) (9x9x3) - All underground.
Room 11. John Wordsworth - Asylum Dungeon (9x9x3) - All underground.
Room 16. oliacym (?) - Dark Tower (9x9x3) - All Inside.
Room 17. lmaoboat (?) - Dark Tower (9x9x3) - All Inside.
Room 18. [AVAILABLE] - Dark Tower (9x9x3) - All Inside.
Room 20. MINMAY - Dark Tower (9x9x3) - All Inside.
Room 22. Isaac - Forbidden Bog (12x12x2) - Top Overground.
Room 23. Drakkan (NO DEV, possibly?) - Forbidden Bog (12x12x2) - Top Overground.
Room 25. Zo Kath Ra - Forbidden Bog (12x12x2) - Top Overground.

akroma222, Leki, FeMaiden, oliacym, lmaoboat, and Drakkan have either been absent from the forums for an extremely long time or responded to my PM and told me they had no time/lost interest/etc.
That is 6 rooms that were given out and no longer have a creator assigned.

Additionally, one room never received a creator, and John has clearly been absent for a long time. That is at least 8 rooms that need to be cut.

The remaining three modders I mentioned in a post above (Isaac, Zo Kath Ra, minmay) have expressed that they are still interested. Isaac and minmay have posted very recently; Isaac that his is on long term hold but still being worked on, and minmay that his is in progress (I really have no idea how far).

Diarmund: Yeah, I'd like to get it moving, I just wasn't sure if everyone was OK with me taking over as the one making those decisions.

Here's the plan, everyone:

Going to PM the remaining three devs and wait a week for a response. Will look to get minmay and Zo Kath Ra to implement rooms within next 3 weeks, hopefully soon followed by Isaac. If I get no response in a week, or that the room cannot be implemented in a reasonably similar time frame, I will plan on removing the dev and their room from the list. Will update a week from now or earlier with a schedule.

I still need someone with Blender experience to help out a bit presumably, and if possible it would be helpful to have any Blender project files from John (doubt that will happen at this point, but would help). Please PM me if you can help with that.

How's that sound?

EDIT for quick update: Zo Kath Ra no longer has time to work on his. Waiting for PM from minmay and Isaac
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