How Do I Create an Outdoor Map?
How Do I Create an Outdoor Map?
I am trying to make an outdoor scene but when I put down Beach, Forest or Swamp ground tiles they turn black in the preview. What am I missing? Thanks.
Re: How Do I Create an Outdoor Map?
level needs to have an object with a HeightmapComponent, such as forest_heightmap
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Re: How Do I Create an Outdoor Map?
I have the forest_heightmap thing on my map, but I still see black on the edges of the beach. Is it clipping that only happens in the editor or really something I can do something about? I've been messing with the heights and walls and other things to try to see if I can eliminate it, but nothing is working. I am only using forest and beach surfaces.
EDIT: Oh, I found Skug's video tutorials. Thanks! This one fixed the waves not hitting the beach correctly. ...
EDIT: Oh, I found Skug's video tutorials. Thanks! This one fixed the waves not hitting the beach correctly. ...