you're welcome

concerning Level 11: you must have an old Version. in the new updated Version the Lever does something

gna.. thats unfortunateResu wrote: concerning Level 11: you must have an old Version. ...
that sounds great! but i have no idea how to do itIsaac wrote:Is it possible [feasible] to post a console command that either enables the lever connection, or activates its effect/action?
The Console is disabled by default, but can be enabled in the grimrock.cfg file, found in the 'Legend of Grimrock' folder; usually found in the user's documents folder... within the 'Almost Human' folder.Resu wrote:that sounds great! but i have no idea how to do itIsaac wrote:Is it possible [feasible] to post a console command that either enables the lever connection, or activates its effect/action?, i am not even sure what a console command is
Code: Select all
console = false
Code: Select all
console = true
i am really impressed by your analysis FlohaxnFlohaxn wrote:Some problems in level 24:
1) In the area in the southeast you can shoot at the golem from afar, he will charge you and trigger the doors to close, and you have no way to get the skull key he drops then and no way to continue.
2) a little bit further in there is a chest, which on opening spawns a wasp, which on attacking makes the program crash. Actually, attacking the (any) chest makes the program crash, but i noticed this only because of the spawn (otherwise there is obviously no reason to attack a chest)SpoilerShow
3) Stuck now in this room with the 4 buttons .. i think i tried every combination but no luck, please helpI proably missed a hint somewhere hehe
As a side note, the wind dagger is ... insane. (that is with a dagger rogue and 15 skulls). If i equip it, i have attack power 74 with speed 500 ... Unless its needed somewhere, you proably should remove it.
And whats up with the grimrock servers? They under DDOS attacks that often? Lots of days when i cannot connect to the forums
i wont tellElkedacion wrote:How to open door in feeding room ? LV14