Also how stable is it, is there alot of issues with it running?
Other comments?

TY... looks helpful, will look closer on thatDrakkan wrote:only few custom dungeons around for Log2... generally if you check grimrock 2 nexus, you get the picture: ... ge=1&pUp=1
Great answer, tyvmDr.Disaster wrote:If you got the Steam version you could basically go to the LoG2 workshop, display "best of all time" and pick most on the first page.
Those i found very well made are:
Princes of Pale Moon - an early mod, rather small and straight forward
The Legend of the Lost Dwarf Kingdom - kinda large but straight forward and challenging at times
The Mountain - a very very good add-on to the original game, good but also tough in both puzzles and combat
Peasant's Quest: Tower of Rothuxstat - unusual mod, almost no combat but a lot of puzzles
Perus' Puzzles - if puzzles are yours this is for you
Isle of Dagor - a good mix of stuff
Artifacts of Might - lot's of fun and a very good demostration of Germanny's tileset
Of course Drakkan's "Eye of the Atlantis" should be to your liking since it has a lot of things you missed in the main game.
Editor resource for LoG 1&2.ByFstugan wrote:2) What is Germanny's tileset?
Ahh, tyIsaac wrote:Editor resource for LoG 1&2.ByFstugan wrote:2) What is Germanny's tileset?
While it is a stand-alone dungeon it's maps are attached to a modified Isle of Nex and it is designed to be played with an imported party that finished the original game.ByFstugan wrote:In what way is "The Mountain" a good add-on to the original game? Isn't it a regular stand-alone custom dungeon as the others?
I went in on steam (via Browser, logged into my account) to see what you talked about - but I didn't find anything at all that had to do with this - all I see is the game. There is a link to steam workshop to the right, but it just take me to a page where I can search for any game, and when I search for Legend of Grimrock 2 it just take me back to same page I came from =/Dr.Disaster wrote:If you got the Steam version you could basically go to the LoG2 workshop, display "best of all time" and pick most on the first page.