Hi MostlyHarmless,MostlyHarmless wrote:I just started this mod today. My characters are level 5/6 now. I have yet to find a mortar and pestle and also I'm starting to encounter air elementals but don't have a weapon against them. I'm wondering if I messed up or if in fact you are not supposed to find mortar and pestle and ethereal dagger (until maybe later in the game if ever)? I'd rather not waste a skill point to acquire Dispel.
Also, what level do the characters usually make it to in this mod (just so I can plan my party's build better)?
Welcome in Finisterrrae! If you haven't yet a mortar, I guess you have leaved Wreck Cape too fast

You can find elemental daggers in different places. Have you the magic book?
The game is made for a new party, and you can get a 12-15 level at the end. I don't know what others players have chosen.