[MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by Drakkan »

Solo Kazuki wrote:Hello

This is my first post, so welcome everybody.

I was writing some suggestion on Your YT walktrough (part 1), continuing here. So, maybe consider to add list of secrets here?

About secrets, i have problem with one in Atlantis. It's:
In next room kill all the fire undead, pick the sickle and eventually wait some time – secret door will be opened automatically.
So i'm...
...waiting here after the battle with fire undead, and nothing happens. Was trying stand in one place, walking around, waiting both "active" (normal) and "passive" (sleeping) and still nothing. Is there any additional condition? e.g. solve some other missions, pick some keys, etc.
About items i just found sickle sword, but still missing Mythril leg plate blueprint, Archmage gloves and chest part.


I'm asking about additional conditions, because i'm trying to complete game without solution, just some parts of game are just... too hardcore, especially when You want "go your way".
Some parts are extremely hardcore this way. I finished all guild quests and sunken ship far before dragon part. Sleeping Nightmare was too far that time, You really need some level to endure fight.
I'm in Atlantis second time. First try was my own way and i'm stuck in some part. So i'm back read here and found out that i missed "problematic" secret and back here. Supposing it's too late, because passing over (through exit opened). So i load save before "descent". And going here first and... still no luck. So is there any sequence required before?


This is not a secret at all?
And my interpretation is only opening of "secret door" to exit on southern wall.
Hi Solo and thanks for your post.
The room with sickle is not "secret" it is part of the dungeon. Wall leading away from this room is opened automaticaly after aprox one minuteof time when you approach the sarcophagus or after picking up the sickle (force field is deactivated at the same time). There is no reason why this should not work
Some areas are really brute and dungeon is designed that way. I understand there should be maybe some warning like: you need at least level 13 to go here etc... but I wanted to make world more open. And I know players who like challenges, so even Sleeper could be defeated very very soon if you know some tricks :)
Mithrill legplate is
in a secret area very close to The Executioner Chamber
Archmage gloves do not exists and Archmage chest is in secret area in Cemetery Crypt level 4.

Let me know if you pass that room or eventually I will send you console command for opening the door directly. You are at very end of game, wish you good luck !
Breath from the unpromising waters.
Eye of the Atlantis
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Solo Kazuki
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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by Solo Kazuki »

I was thinking that there's another "secret door" here (with "secret") if you wait more time, exit is opening normally. :lol:

About secret with Archmage chest part, I cannot back to crypt level 4. After falling from level 2 through hole you are falling on teleport to level 3.
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Solo Kazuki
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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by Solo Kazuki »

I was thinking about this teleport stuff in cemetery crypt level 4 -> level 3. Easiest way (in next version?) is to activate additional teleport field in this hole on level 3 to somewhere on level 4 (maybe teleport field on level 4, if not trigger teleport?).

Also little suggesiton. I'm just finishing Elemental Tower level 2, have opened exit to level 3. The problems is i'm out of any food. I was taking full bag of breads and some additional food, but... let's say i had "some problems" and must sleep and using supplies in huge amount. I think key should also open exit to level 1 to have ability to resupply before level 3.

Overall very good MOD for Grimrock II! I hope there will be next version. I'm just finishing game, but for sure i'll play it again, after finishing game. But next time on easy level (i'm playing now on normal).

I was thinking also about sellable/junk system. I'm very in this system, but i have some suggestions. About sandals, they are "crap", but after all ther are not broken, consider minimal value. Also about Noble Shirt. Opposite thing is why junky Bone Club has value? Also, consider add value about crafted items. E.g. I have enough ice shards to made additional (i have one already) Ice Armour, but it gives nothing (because blueprint costs, and Ice Armour is not sellable).

Other question is sources. I have far enough ice shards, but i'm scarce of fire shards. Two sources which i found are
Fire Undead and Magma (Earth+Fire big guys) Elementals
But is there any other sources? Have enough "other" elements for 2 Dragon armours and not have enough fire shards to have even one Dragon Armour and Fire Gauntlets.

Maybe consider add some new fire shard sources to Nethelen Ruins area, maybe some Fire Undead? And some Spider Silk, that is so much rare (had only 4), that if you miss it in other places you may not be able to craft gloves. Still hoping You find way to add this dungeon in next version.
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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by Drakkan »

Solo Kazuki wrote:I was thinking about this teleport stuff in cemetery crypt level 4 -> level 3. Easiest way (in next version?) is to activate additional teleport field in this hole on level 3 to somewhere on level 4 (maybe teleport field on level 4, if not trigger teleport?).

Also little suggesiton. I'm just finishing Elemental Tower level 2, have opened exit to level 3. The problems is i'm out of any food. I was taking full bag of breads and some additional food, but... let's say i had "some problems" and must sleep and using supplies in huge amount. I think key should also open exit to level 1 to have ability to resupply before level 3.

Overall very good MOD for Grimrock II! I hope there will be next version. I'm just finishing game, but for sure i'll play it again, after finishing game. But next time on easy level (i'm playing now on normal).

I was thinking also about sellable/junk system. I'm very in this system, but i have some suggestions. About sandals, they are "crap", but after all ther are not broken, consider minimal value. Also about Noble Shirt. Opposite thing is why junky Bone Club has value? Also, consider add value about crafted items. E.g. I have enough ice shards to made additional (i have one already) Ice Armour, but it gives nothing (because blueprint costs, and Ice Armour is not sellable).

Other question is sources. I have far enough ice shards, but i'm scarce of fire shards. Two sources which i found are
Fire Undead and Magma (Earth+Fire big guys) Elementals
But is there any other sources? Have enough "other" elements for 2 Dragon armours and not have enough fire shards to have even one Dragon Armour and Fire Gauntlets.

Maybe consider add some new fire shard sources to Nethelen Ruins area, maybe some Fire Undead? And some Spider Silk, that is so much rare (had only 4), that if you miss it in other places you may not be able to craft gloves. Still hoping You find way to add this dungeon in next version.
Hi Solo.
thanks for feedback. Definitely good idea that after "defeating" level 2 elemental tower there should be possibility to return back to town.

Regarding sell system, curently it is far from what I have planned at the begining, but your ideas are quite reasonable. I am aware some artifact and other stuff are not sellable or have just minimal value, there are some still some minor inbalances.

Other fire resources and resources overall is discutable - for example spider silk is really rare, I wanted only one spider gloves to be crtafted so this is ok from my view. As for fire shard, there are plenty fire slimes etc, depends from which point of the game you have hunter skill and how lucky you are.

Unfortunately I am not planing new version(s) for now.
Yeah normal option is quite challenging here :)
let me know if you finish the mod.
Breath from the unpromising waters.
Eye of the Atlantis
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Solo Kazuki
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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by Solo Kazuki »

I have problems with end part of Elemental Tower
Cannot complete Invasion. I know i must break portals, but i'm overswarmed by Fire Elementals
After some failed tries, i assume that it will be much easier with fire gauntlets and additional Dragon Armour. I had not enough fire shards because i was "investing" in trophy hunter skill too late. So i'm just get back to save before first big boss (when Mortimer just join to party).

About new version, maybe think about patch with minor improvements and balance in some aspects and also value of items could be updated.
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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by Marphyre »

WONDERFUL job Drakkan, just marvelous!!!, wickedly awesome mod sir!

Just wondering... has anyone tried to farm exp from the undead knight in Pale Village which summons ghouls??? I did, and they (ghouls summoned) end up both in the water (river) and even in the "lower area" if you get my meaning.. which is no big deal really, except the "lower area" could get hairy! :o

Gotta try this also... haven't yet, due to my characters are all higher level, and would take a boatload of time De-leveling, but the undead pikemen spirt skeletons that drain exp, if that is exploitable in farming skillpoints... if characters keep their skill when they de-level?? Easier to gain skills at low levels via de-leveling / re-leveling :lol:

Anyway, I'm about halfway though the mod, haven't found ANY bugs, glitches or the like, playing on normal difficulty and its a really good challenge so far... (just hope I can finish the mod on normal) :shock:
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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by Marphyre »

Odd thing happened.. I know and confirmed I had upgraded my Ascalon rapier to tier 2, but somewhere through my adventure, it resorted back to just the typical Ascalon's Mithril tier 1 rapier! I reloaded a safety save, and confirmed this so I know I haven't made a mistake. This is my only known issue I come across so far. So on the reload of a previous save, I'm just gonna wait until I upgrade... The journey continues...
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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by Orace »

Very beautiful mod! Many. many, many compliments Drakkan!!! :mrgreen:
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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by Arioch »

Hi Drakkan,
Hi all :)

For info : in the Nethelen underground, there is no torch holder to put a torch as on your video (i have 3j version).

Thanks a lot for your work, your Mod is really great !!! :)
You should share the file for us to study it in the Editor, so we can improve our knowledge and make better mods... Pls :) :)
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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by grim-seeker »

Hello Community

I downloaded the zim_assets from zimber and this map EotA v3j from this post.
I put the .dat file and the extracted asset-zip file from Zimber in my Almost Human folder in mydocuments to:

Documents\Almost Human\Legend of Grimrock 2\Dungeons

and when I start the game I can click the EotA map in the Custom Dungeon list, but when I try to get into the game (with/without character creation, doesn't matter) my game crashes with this error-code (picture below):


What should I do to fix this?
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