This is a dungeon i made with the REVOLUTIONARY combat system fix i've been working on. Remember how boring Grimrock combat can be? That ain't a problem no more!
Treasury; A New Kind of Adventure is a medium-length dungeon designed to be played with a new party. It's pretty hard, the combat system fix makes sure of that, but it's actual challenge we're talking here. It's not just "ooh noo, there's an enemy with way too much health and attack power for your current level! Make sure you strafe around it properly for the next two minutes, or else it's gon' one-shot one of your guys! And don't get trapped in a corner, 'cause that'll make you instantly lose!". None of that nonsense.
Check it out: ... 1120848896
Also on the Nexus:
The REVOLUTIONARY combat fix is shown off in this showcase dungeon i made for it: ... 1108257639
I've patched it up since then, of course. smoothed off some of the rough edges. Thanks Isaac!