I love the grid! Traversing a diabolical maze of traps, monsters and riddles does not exist outside of RPGs, boardgames and computer games, so I really feel much more immersed in the whole experience when moving around on the grid. I've never played EotB, DM or anything like that but I still feel that this is the best way to represent a dungeon on the computer.
I really like the real time combat! When fighting more than one enemy I am put just at my limit for how fast I can move around, swap potions and stay on top of my characters attacks refreshing.
I love the puzzle distribution! I appreciate the mix between hidden secrets and secrets that stare right in your face, mocking you.
Really, really good models. The enemies look great. Great lighting, great wall textures.
Thank god for holding back on the elves, dwarves, gnomes, hobbits, etc. And thanks for making finding a warhammer a big accomplishment instead starting off with serviceable weapons and ending up with every character decked out in mithril. Fighting with cudgels and machetes and eating snail slices and roast maggots the first few levels makes this game stand out.
Only two secret buttons per tileset. This really should have been 4 or 5.
I'm on level 6 of the dungeon (out of 10 right?) and so far almost all of the monster types have been spoiled by the manual and official trailers! I still haven't seen the fire spirits so I wonder if almost all of the monsters will turn out to be in the manual.
I have 2 mages in my party and I just figured out that the spells
are all pretty much the same. There should be many more of these. 

Throw a rock on a switch
I can't drink potions in the hand slot! Or am I doing it wrong? Grenades work this way so why don't potions?
Ok, when you take a torch off the wall to put it in the hand on a character it should generate as much light when it is moving with the cursor as when it is held. It just looks stupid that the dungeon goes from lit to unlit to lit again everytime I pull a torch from the wall. I really think they should patch this.
Mapping isn't really necessary. I've only mapped twice so far,
trying to find the right pit to drop in "Time and Tides" to drop past the iron gate on the level below (it doesn't work, for the record) and finding the intersection of the two dragon statues
Brewing potions during combat to cycle through a limited number of flasks is very... intense.
I originally intended to save only at the blue crystals, but that became too hard for me on level 3 when the combats became very difficult.
Slower weapons seem better for players who aren't that great at combat because you can get comparable damage with fewer clicks, so more mental energy can be focused on dodging, casting, quaffing and speed brewing potions. For this reason if I were starting over I would have an axe fighter and a mace fighter instead of a sword fighter and mace fighter. I figured in a "classic" RPG swords would be more plentiful but this does not seem to be the case.
Overall the game is very, very immersive and compelling. I am hooked and can't wait to get to the bottom!