Illusionary Walls

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Illusionary Walls

Post by DJK »

Is it me or they don't exist ? I'm so used to them from eye of the beholder.. that sported them as early as level 2. However I'm almost at 7 now and while I still almost check every single wall I haven't found one yet ... I thought they were a staple of the genre just like doors and pits ? :p
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Re: Illusionary Walls

Post by Crashbanito »

So you've been running head first into walls for nearly 7 levels?
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Re: Illusionary Walls

Post by DJK »

Yes, I physically checked moving "into the wall" on every wall so far... thought it was only a matter of time :( Not always head first though ;) When moving through hallways I just do a quick left/right sideways check..
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Re: Illusionary Walls

Post by Gerugon »

Playing Dungeon Master to much will do that to a person, i remember there being way to many of them later on withough any way to telling them apart from a normal wall. (unlike in Anvil of Dawn where illu walls flickered a bit). This is definitly something i will add to my first custom made dungeon.
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Re: Illusionary Walls

Post by amicus »

I'm pretty glad they don't exist because I started going a bit insane in previous games, checking every wall.. It's a silly game mechanic when I think about it because either you act like a crazy person and check every wall, or you don't and then miss out on something (maybe even something important). It exists a little bit with this game, with the little buttons on the walls. But at least those are visible while moving at a steady pace, so I'm happy with that.
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Re: Illusionary Walls

Post by Halk »

Fake walls were all very well and good as a one off in DM (and EotB I think!) as a cryptic puzzle, however later in the game I think they were a poor mechanic as you had to grunt yourself off every wall just to make sure.

Perhaps they were a good mechanic used badly... I'm not sure. I certainly don't miss them in Grimrock :)
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Re: Illusionary Walls

Post by hapro »

Halk wrote:Fake walls were all very well and good as a one off in DM (and EotB I think!) as a cryptic puzzle, however later in the game I think they were a poor mechanic as you had to grunt yourself off every wall just to make sure.

Perhaps they were a good mechanic used badly... I'm not sure. I certainly don't miss them in Grimrock :)
Dungeon Master 2, however (I don't remember if DM1 had it) had magic maps which could show you fake walls. So, it wasn't just random guesswork.
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Re: Illusionary Walls

Post by Halk »

They did improve that in DM2, yep... sadly they got virtually everything else wrong.

You know that in all the excitement surrounding the launch of Grimrock, and all the playing of it I've done, and discussing and thinking... I've thought of DM and CSB a massive number of times and it's taken you reminding me that DM2 existed for me to have remembered it. I genuinely had forgotten it even existed until you mentioned it there!
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