[MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by Drakkan »

Liolik wrote:That was awesome atmospheric adventure at AD&D style and one of the best mod I've played. Highest rating for all source - Story/Map design/Difficulty/Puzzles etc. Almost 40 hours played. 24/24 secrets found. 10/8 chests digged (2 more than declared). 57/59 levels visited (2 miss?)

I know that declared difficulty was "Easy". But I am always play "Hard" and tried do not use health potions and crystalls and tried to find some good tactic.....BUT this "Hard" was terribly hard on many Boss fights and some Ambushes, especially
when no spells like Invisibility and Force Field
. And I hate myself for this lame action...but I am used load option to often...
All new spells were awesome! I have learned all schools to Avae. Blizzard spell is mach than owerpower and always freezes the enemy. That make many boss-fights much than easy. I think need to nerf chance of freeze

I chose a "Treasure hunter" from the start of the game and fill it to maximum before other skills. I regret about this choice during whole game. That greatly weakened my Askalon. Thanks for the "Tome of memories"...better late than never. This skill really doesn't cost waste of 5 points. Maybe need 3 parts with 33% each and Master Skinner at 3 points. Same with "Undead Slayer". there are much more useful skills, but I tried all new and that was a disappoint.

I didn't try Firearms. Firearms are very weak for Hard difficulty - long cooldowns and not high damage. I make Mortimer as melee rogue with 2 assassins daggers and "Reach" skill. That much more profit.

Also Maul of the Ares was a useless item with no point of use in the end of the game
SOME QUESTIONS: Did not found what to do with:
- All this wooden logs
- Magic Flute is single quest item? did not found anymore use for it.
- no more use
- Poem "O sweet illusions of song". I am found that all poems can be turned for the experience at Jewelry shop (Rumble guy). But this poem is part of museum's secret and it is lead somehere or not?. I tried use Magic Flute at different places of the Rocky Coast and at different time of day and night but nothing found.
nope. there are more poems to be found however and the Rumble guy accept them all
- Fortune Cookies hint " where 4 guardians there are more cookies". Digged all cemetry and around it and nothing found.
there is one secret spot where you can dig fo chest full of fortune cookies and some stuff but I do not remember exact spot (it is somewhere near ambush sport on the beach)
- Statue with bare hands inside a rock at the northern part of The Nethelen's
Ruins - tried all subjects (even all from the shops) but nothing fits.
- Hidden Obelisk near Treasure portal (east of it)

- Golden Gem Chalice. Found in the water deepth of The Nethelen's Ruins. It
cant be sold and noone want it. Tried place it everyhere on the altars.
seems like a bug, all treasure chalices should be sold

- Closed gate at the western part of the Elemental Tower lvl 2
- Golden lamp at the Library
I do not remember
- Altar at the Atlantis lvl 4 west part on the short bridge
- Altar at the Conwill forest near Fountain
- Altar at the Cemetery Crypt lvl 4 near 8-puzzle. This way was without any secret (other 3 were with secrets)
nothing special with the altairs as far as I remember

All other altars doesn't look like important

1) Locked forever" at The Lake Underground lvl 1.
I am noticed closed pit in the first chamber and left this place for later exploring. When I proceeded to the end of the level I decided return to this closed pit. As expected I fall down. Then I found way up and find myself locked with 2 pits: (one pit with plate behind it was blocked by stable teleport). I spend 2 hours there....tried clicking everywhere and throw different objects through teleport and nothing help. Then I give up and load some old save (that cost me huge amount of time loss). I fall this pit from the start of the level and I found that the teleport not stable as in my previos game! It is shimmering! When I proceed to the end of the level and returned to this place again I found that the teleport does not exist anymore. So essence of the bug - some actions or things (maybe pulling lever or plate) near the end of the level make this teleport stable when you skip this place from the start. And this make you locked there forever. I was very angry!
nice catch
2) Paladins spell "Recovery" does not heal chest injury
sounds like a bug
3) Huge amount of FPS drop when sun sets at the Rocky Coast and Central Beach. Like chain-freezes

4) The Atlantis lvl 5. Huge FPS drop on the Bridge
with snakes that make fight almost not playable even on low video options. Also turn camera at the way to the bridge make same drop FPS. This can be due to a bug with water reflection of the bridge
yep this was reported already, lowering resolution for this part helps a lot
Weight puzzle in the Cemetery Crypt lvl1 does not count weight of the items inside Box although it shows the total weight
known bug
Ascalons Mithril Rapier mk2 degraded to mk1 when you give it to another party member
nice one !
7) Instead "Essence of Air" appear quest item "Essence of Water" it is a bit confusing
nice one !
8) Eating Fortune Cookies makes sometimes game crash
knows issue
Hi there Liolik. thanks a lot for your comment, it was nice to read and to know somebody is still playing grimrock (especialy my mod ;) Seems you have spent some time with it and you had fun, which is the most important thing.
I am aware of some bugs, some are suprisingly new, but I am no longer updating my mod. I put some comments in red to answer you questions. thansk a lot for playing my mod once again.
Breath from the unpromising waters.
Eye of the Atlantis
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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by RacerX »

This is really great mod. I'm :( to hear that your done. It's super compact ( which is awesome), all the great youtube videos by alex (really helped). That review of the game was really great in depth and took a lot of effort. Thanks for investing all you time in Grimrock it is a lot of fun. I wish there could have been grimrock 3 with enhanced villians (witches and warlocks) and that sort of thing.

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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by drdrake »

Great mod, I'm enjoying it.

I can't seem to access the obelisk in the swamp - I can see it over in the south-east corner, but can't find any way to access that part of the map, either through this one or via the pale village. Can someone help?
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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by drdrake »

Oh, I found a bug. When I try to buy the scroll of blizzard from Zashan, it sells me the scroll of burning thunder instead. Is this a known problem? Could someone send me the spawn code for the blizzard scroll, as I've skilled Avae especially for it. Thanks!
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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by modjpb »

I may have found a fix to allow the Graphics texture resolution set to High. The problem with this game is being 32bit, this mod tries to use more memory than windows will allow for a single 32bit application. There is a program that can patch a 32bit executable to allow it to use more memory (still works on windows 10). The program is called "4GB Patch" Download here http://ntcore.com/4gb_patch.php . Run it and patch the grimrock2.exe in the Legend of Grimrock 2 folder. Before the patch I would crash after several minutes. After the patch, I have played with graphics all set to High for several hours and no crashing, Woohoo! :D

Remember to re-patch the game if you update or Steam updates the game automatically or you run an integrity scan to restore the game files.
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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by Drakkan »

drdrake wrote:Great mod, I'm enjoying it.

I can't seem to access the obelisk in the swamp - I can see it over in the south-east corner, but can't find any way to access that part of the map, either through this one or via the pale village. Can someone help?
Hi. sorry for late answer, I am not around too much lately. You can access this monolit from Watchtower right side, but you will need one special item anyway (obtained later in game inside
Breath from the unpromising waters.
Eye of the Atlantis

Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by billb52 »

Hi I restarted eye of the atlantis again and have reached Ruins of Nethelin but I cannot kill the elemental, I have not found a dispel scroll anywhere, please can you tell me where I can get the scroll, it's been a very long time since I played this mod ait is still a brilliant mod!
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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by Pompidom »

It's been a long time I played this, but I remember that you're not supposed to "kill" the elemental.
There is a puzzle to solve to pass through that area. I can't remember if the projectile from the puzzle kills the elemental or that it simply lets you pass through the area.

Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by billb52 »

thx pompidom I will take another look at it.....

edit: You were right Pompidom you needed to use the fireball to hit the receptor which moved it's original position! Thx
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Re: [MOD] - Eye of the Atlantis - version 3j

Post by sapientCrow »

Time to play Atlantis again...

I was wondering if it has been done but is there a list of treasures to be dug up in each area?
I have major OCD and end up digging up an entire area and really do not want to do that this time around.
So maybe there is a console command or a list of treasures to be dug up in each area?

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