[Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Modders
Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod
Weekend-end update.
I've handled the file to Skuggasvein who will fix a very few things at his room and will also do some additional models I've asked him for.
The file itself grew already a bit because I've added assets for decoration. If we do not need all of them we throw them out again.
Also I've changed the names of the levels "Abandoned Town" and "Town East" to "Abandoned Village" and "Village East".
And finally I've added in the Village East-level a Bardwell Mine. It's a small area were a few experiences can be made. Nothing very big but if the Village East is the miners' quarter...
And then I want to discuss a few questions with you:
- at the moment there are several small "light"-puzzles in the game - each in it's own room, each in a similar style. My idea was to use that puzzles to have at their end not some loot as a revard but a way back to the hub (which I want to install). The placement of that puzzles would fit perfect into that idea and the puzzles are neat and not too hard. What do you think about that?
- In the Asylum is still a room free. It is reserved for John Wordsworth - who pretty sure won't participate anymore. I thought about what to do with this room and I got the idea to make it to some kind of John Wordsworth memory room. I'm not quite sure what that means - some kind of memorial for his work for the ORRR3 project (he was the groundbraker) and for the LoG community overall. Maybe with an additional small challenge. Do you like that idea?
- and last: what shall happen with rooms who's author I cannot reach, but which have bugs to be fixed? Shall they be fixed by us? Or shall they stay as they are?
This week I'm not at home and I can't do a lot on the project. But I try to put the revised version of the mainstory online.
Bye for now...
I've handled the file to Skuggasvein who will fix a very few things at his room and will also do some additional models I've asked him for.
The file itself grew already a bit because I've added assets for decoration. If we do not need all of them we throw them out again.
Also I've changed the names of the levels "Abandoned Town" and "Town East" to "Abandoned Village" and "Village East".
And finally I've added in the Village East-level a Bardwell Mine. It's a small area were a few experiences can be made. Nothing very big but if the Village East is the miners' quarter...
And then I want to discuss a few questions with you:
- at the moment there are several small "light"-puzzles in the game - each in it's own room, each in a similar style. My idea was to use that puzzles to have at their end not some loot as a revard but a way back to the hub (which I want to install). The placement of that puzzles would fit perfect into that idea and the puzzles are neat and not too hard. What do you think about that?
- In the Asylum is still a room free. It is reserved for John Wordsworth - who pretty sure won't participate anymore. I thought about what to do with this room and I got the idea to make it to some kind of John Wordsworth memory room. I'm not quite sure what that means - some kind of memorial for his work for the ORRR3 project (he was the groundbraker) and for the LoG community overall. Maybe with an additional small challenge. Do you like that idea?
- and last: what shall happen with rooms who's author I cannot reach, but which have bugs to be fixed? Shall they be fixed by us? Or shall they stay as they are?
This week I'm not at home and I can't do a lot on the project. But I try to put the revised version of the mainstory online.
Bye for now...
Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod
Probably so... but last I asked him, he said that he would like to do his room. This was months ago. I will mention it to him.It is reserved for John Wordsworth - who pretty sure won't participate anymore.
Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod
Oh yes - if John will do it, that would be much better!Isaac wrote: last I asked him, he said that he would like to do his room. This was months ago. I will mention it to him.
Good to hear that you stay in contact with him.
Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod
Okay, here is the revised storyline. It's close to my former one but includes now the idea of the 'good guy' being the 'bad guy' at the end.
(I leave out the intro, because it can stay as it was - and for convenience I colour the new parts.)
The party heads to Bardwell, a small village with a mine. It’s mysteriously abandoned; the party learns that its inhabitants had suddenly made for the Dark Tower. Their departure was freakish and hasty – the reason for this behavior obscure. Only some Ratlings have left. They seem immune to the strange force that commanded all humans. And they are able to give the party some helpful informations und items.
The party also encounters the holy icon of the village and it starts speaking after 157 years. It tells that all people of Bardwell are suffering in the Dark Tower of Xarkon. He keeps them imprisoned, sucks out will and soul from everyone and is going to make them members of his dark army to rule the world. Also Rikard seems to be in the tower with the others.
To help them, the party needs to explore the whole area to get closer to the dark tower step by step.
The house of Rikard is full of books about the force of the ‘power crystals of the balance rune’, which can be used to defend dark arts.
The party also reaches an asylum that is now broken up with all former inhabitants being dead. The party learns, that the management of the asylum stores a lot of power crystals in their cellar. Normally they use them to calm down and neutralize the magic, that some of their exceptional residents are repleted with. But all power crystals are gone now, stolen by Xarkon to avoid having a weapon against his forces.
Nearby is the grave of Qinea, a young lady who once was the love of Xarkon, but then has unexpected been murdered by him. Or better: Cursed and locked up into the intermediate world forever.
Later an apparition of her appears and explains the champions how to open the Dark Tower, which is locked by Xarkon: The spirits of the two dead founders of the Dark Tower can open the gate. The party just has to bring them bones of their ancestors.
Inside the tower the party can’t make any progress because the doors to the upper levels are magical sealed. This power can only be broken by the ‘power crystals of the balance rune’.
Every time the party can find one, Xarkon gets aware of it and sends members of his dark army. Also a vision of Rikard appears every time to beg his friends more and more urgently to flee as long as possible.
Finally the party enters the center of Xarkons might. But it’s Rikard who they met. It turns out that Xarkon and Rikard are the same person. The party insists on releasing the people of Bardwell – and a mortal combat starts.
At the end they could either
- finish Xarkon off – the imprisoned people are free and the danger is averted
- let him escape - the people are free, but Xarkon will renew his attempts somewhere sometimes…
- die – Xarkon’s army gets bigger and the danger to the whole realm also…
(I leave out the intro, because it can stay as it was - and for convenience I colour the new parts.)
The party heads to Bardwell, a small village with a mine. It’s mysteriously abandoned; the party learns that its inhabitants had suddenly made for the Dark Tower. Their departure was freakish and hasty – the reason for this behavior obscure. Only some Ratlings have left. They seem immune to the strange force that commanded all humans. And they are able to give the party some helpful informations und items.
The party also encounters the holy icon of the village and it starts speaking after 157 years. It tells that all people of Bardwell are suffering in the Dark Tower of Xarkon. He keeps them imprisoned, sucks out will and soul from everyone and is going to make them members of his dark army to rule the world. Also Rikard seems to be in the tower with the others.
To help them, the party needs to explore the whole area to get closer to the dark tower step by step.
The house of Rikard is full of books about the force of the ‘power crystals of the balance rune’, which can be used to defend dark arts.
The party also reaches an asylum that is now broken up with all former inhabitants being dead. The party learns, that the management of the asylum stores a lot of power crystals in their cellar. Normally they use them to calm down and neutralize the magic, that some of their exceptional residents are repleted with. But all power crystals are gone now, stolen by Xarkon to avoid having a weapon against his forces.
Nearby is the grave of Qinea, a young lady who once was the love of Xarkon, but then has unexpected been murdered by him. Or better: Cursed and locked up into the intermediate world forever.
Later an apparition of her appears and explains the champions how to open the Dark Tower, which is locked by Xarkon: The spirits of the two dead founders of the Dark Tower can open the gate. The party just has to bring them bones of their ancestors.
Inside the tower the party can’t make any progress because the doors to the upper levels are magical sealed. This power can only be broken by the ‘power crystals of the balance rune’.
Every time the party can find one, Xarkon gets aware of it and sends members of his dark army. Also a vision of Rikard appears every time to beg his friends more and more urgently to flee as long as possible.
Finally the party enters the center of Xarkons might. But it’s Rikard who they met. It turns out that Xarkon and Rikard are the same person. The party insists on releasing the people of Bardwell – and a mortal combat starts.
At the end they could either
- finish Xarkon off – the imprisoned people are free and the danger is averted
- let him escape - the people are free, but Xarkon will renew his attempts somewhere sometimes…
- die – Xarkon’s army gets bigger and the danger to the whole realm also…
Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod
Note that while only two of the ghost remains are needed to open the entrance, three of them exist (since there are three rooms in the Twisted Forest).THOM wrote:Later an apparition of her appears and explains the champions how to open the Dark Tower, which is locked by Xarkon: The spirits of the two dead founders of the Dark Tower can open the gate. The party just has to bring them bones of their ancestors.
Grimrock 1 dungeon
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Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod
Yes, true. The existing mechanic in the game (yours?) does already regard that. The third ghost_remains can be traded for some loot (not decided, what) in the dungeon under the Hall of Mages.minmay wrote:Note that while only two of the ghost remains are needed to open the entrance, three of them exist (since there are three rooms in the Twisted Forest).
Or do you think that should be done in a better way?
Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod
This was meant to leave the mod modular, that in each "area", to progress, you need to complete n-1/n rooms. (In other words, one is optional in each area).THOM wrote:Yes, true. The existing mechanic in the game (yours?) does already regard that. The third ghost_remains can be traded for some loot (not decided, what) in the dungeon under the Hall of Mages.minmay wrote:Note that while only two of the ghost remains are needed to open the entrance, three of them exist (since there are three rooms in the Twisted Forest).
Or do you think that should be done in a better way?
But if we cannot make it fit with the story or it makes no sense to have an "extra" set of remains, we can code it so that as soon as the player finds the 2nd remains, the 3rd one turns into the key to a special loot chamber in the tower.
Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod
To be precise: from the meteorit_ore we have 13 ones in the game but for the seal breaker the player just needs 9. The other 4 can also bei traded.
Sure we can code it like you said. Question is, if we should do it. For me it is not necessary, i'm fine with it as it is.
Do you think different?
Sure we can code it like you said. Question is, if we should do it. For me it is not necessary, i'm fine with it as it is.
Do you think different?
Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod
EoB worked the same way. The dungeon had enough keys placed on shelves... but if the player picked a lock, then the next key became necessary, and disappeared.Diarmuid wrote:But if we cannot make it fit with the story or it makes no sense to have an "extra" set of remains, we can code it so that as soon as the player finds the 2nd remains, the 3rd one turns into the key to a special loot chamber in the tower.
Re: [Open / Signup] One Room Round Robin 3 - Calling All Mod
I don't mind either way!