[MOD] - The Butcher of Many + LVL1 Walkthrough

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Re: [MOD] - The Butcher of Many + LVL1 Walkthrough

Post by zdenekhoub »

RacerX wrote:Thanks for creating this mod. I completed the quest in about 6 hours by using the a couple of fireballs and the Wizard's Virge to defeat the Butcher. I collected 13 Borra and 9 skulls.

After I completed, there were 2 treasure chests that I overlooked
A.) In the Cave of Poison, green glowing one behind the gate. I missed the lever by the sign "Upwards Northern Keep"
B.) In the Temple of Earth, the chest that is on the ledge, the lever in front on the stone right around the corner missed that one.
In the Northern Keep the Main Gate that is barred from behind. I can hear fire elemental sounds in different parts of the Norther Keep. I tried a couple of ways to access this area
A.) At the beginning of game there is a stairway to the sewers that is gated.
B.) By the crab there is a walkway that leads up this stairway.
C.) Finally , the Main Gate that is barred.

I looked for secret buttons and ladders etc. No Dice.

The master Key Idea is excellent, the size of the mod is compact/ efficient.

Enhancement - It would be great the include Race when creating/importing a character, not sure if the classes are also limited (Battle Mage vs Wizard)

I really like this mod, it's fun
Thank you RacerX glad you liked my MOD! Yes the main Gate is barred and if it were not it will lead you right in the area in front of the Keep, to the woods the MOD starts. The walkway by the crab is not accessible. I made it only as an old entry to the Keep which is not usable anymore but I wanted the players to see why they must plunge into the cold deep well :) Also I wanted the players to see - once they got into the sewers - that the entrance they met earlier in the woods is "really" present from inside the sewers, just not accessible anymore.

And there is a secret area with fire elemental which you can reach from the Brotherhood library.
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Re: [MOD] - The Butcher of Many + LVL1 Walkthrough

Post by golgotha86 »

Hey, This mod is really interesting! I found a glitch with the archmage prison. After killing the archmage the prison gate switch will activate and make the sound of opening/closing but the gate remains closed, so i get trapped. If i kill him while standing in his cell i get trapped, maybe that one was intentional?
Also, I am near the end and need the ice figurine but can't find it anywhere?
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Re: [MOD] - The Butcher of Many + LVL1 Walkthrough

Post by zdenekhoub »

golgotha86 wrote:Hey, This mod is really interesting! I found a glitch with the archmage prison. After killing the archmage the prison gate switch will activate and make the sound of opening/closing but the gate remains closed, so i get trapped. If i kill him while standing in his cell i get trapped, maybe that one was intentional?
Also, I am near the end and need the ice figurine but can't find it anywhere?
Hello! To open prison gate on the floor below archmages cell you must first kill the archmage and also his icy servant which will appear while after archmage is dead. The cage of his cell will trap you first but should open after some short time.
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Re: [MOD] - The Butcher of Many + LVL1 Walkthrough

Post by Crusher »

I am desperatly searching for the essence of earth. Already placed 3 essences. I also only have 2 gems. A blue and a red one.
And also in the cave of poison I was not able to get past the fire.
Any hints for me. :roll:
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Re: [MOD] - The Butcher of Many + LVL1 Walkthrough

Post by Crusher »

Sometimes writing helps :-)
I now found the solution - shoot statue - to get behind it. (Same as "shoot tree" like in "Gruds in Space" ;) )
Could also solve the riddle with the compass and the 2 crystals. But not the one where u probably need 3 crystals.
Also I found a note where it is written that the earth essence is probably in the poison area. But even though I smashed everything down there I can't get pass the fire nor open the gate. Now I am really stuck :cry:
F1 F1 F1 -- anybody can help me?
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Re: [MOD] - The Butcher of Many + LVL1 Walkthrough

Post by Crusher »

So far I finally found the hint how to open the gate. (Use master key in the cave of poison).
But now I am really stuck. I am in the Butcher level killed all monsters and nothing happens. The right gate (right after you enter the dungeon) - I have no idea how to open it. Also the force field at the end of the dungeon - No idea how to get rid of it. Please ... anybody out there you would please give me a hint? sigh....
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Re: [MOD] - The Butcher of Many + LVL1 Walkthrough

Post by gylippos »

Thank you for this mod. I made it to the end with only a few occasions where I had to resort to the help line here. The much criticized hidden button was not an issue. I found this as a part of regular searches.
The hints were often a little obscure for me, but only the one for the arrow shot past the statue really threw me even after I consulted this forum. I never got the gate to the wyvern needing the two crystals open. Mostly I was able to work things out for myself even without the hints. I usually don't make it to the end of mods, so yours is obviously pitched just right for me.
i was intrigued by the small space you managed to cram all of this into. Most other mods spread things out more, resulting in a lot more trapsing back and forth between areas.
Thank you again.
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