Ran out of food (not enough i might add and the mushroom mobs don't always drop food) running back to the crystals to regen everybody. Must
of done this 30 times because the food issue. Finally got to level 6 (trapped) and thought the 3 spiders that jump you was a little over the top
for my liking. Had no chance whatsoever and when i reloaded i was greeted by one of them club wielding giant things. Got hit so hard by it,
i went up the stairs sideways.
Just a tad too crazy hard now. I sometimes think the devs have forgotten its a tile based rpg and not a fps instead. I imagine soon there will
be big bosses and BFG's as well
Gotta love it! I freakign celebrate when I find food because it puts me one more meal away from starvation. I even pushed one of my fighters to 12 athletics just for the endurance so he would eat less. As far as ambushes, man they scare the bejeezes out of me half the time, but after a reload (or six) I find a way to beat it. Can't wait for things to get really crazy, though I'm scared I haven't optimized the team well enough for hard mode.
This is what these games are about, getting you butt kicked with a taste of reality and getting to be cautious.
you have to move around... when the spiders pin you down try to concentrate on only one of them so you are mobile again.
if you move sideways after every hit they don't have a chance to hit you. keep circling one while avoiding the other.
Those three spiders weren't hard at all, and there's plenty of food if you're not wasting it.
Stop wasting food and use your head instead of trying to fight things face-to-face. It's simple, really.
At that point the spiders should be nothing to you, then you can take your time exploring the level and maybe finding something new to help you, and NOT FIGHTING THE GIANT OGRE AS SOON AS YOU SEE IT.
When you find the first batch of spiders hard.. and then you move on and find bigger groups and find those hard... if you were to go back and try the first group again you'd find them easier.
The key is to never get surrounded. When you open a door and there's monsters there assess the location - can you jump in with them and fight them, circling around without getting trapped? If not you need to either stand up and fight them one on one at the door, closing the door if you need to heal.. or you need to back track and circle around making sure you don't get surrounded.
It's a tactical thing and a key skill you'll learn as you progress through the game.
You won't beat the game fighting every monster head on... but you'll learn a great deal without noticing that you are.
It's really quite reasonably difficult if you've been playing more than Cawadooty and Elder Scrolls (or newer Fallouts, really anything with scaling levels of any kind is pathetic. Thankfully PC has mods)
Halk wrote:I'll try and be a bit nicer about it...
When you find the first batch of spiders hard.. and then you move on and find bigger groups and find those hard... if you were to go back and try the first group again you'd find them easier.
The key is to never get surrounded. When you open a door and there's monsters there assess the location - can you jump in with them and fight them, circling around without getting trapped? If not you need to either stand up and fight them one on one at the door, closing the door if you need to heal.. or you need to back track and circle around making sure you don't get surrounded.
It's a tactical thing and a key skill you'll learn as you progress through the game.
See, he's tlaking about a certain part where the door closes behind you and three spiders spawn trapping you against the wall. But really, if you run forward right away instead of standing there drooling all over your shirt, you'll end up having a single spot to escape from which you can use to circle around behind one of them and kill it (since you should be strong enough to do that quite fast at this point)
It's the room with the first ogre, it's not that far into the game.
HeavyMetalMonk wrote:Those three spiders weren't hard at all, and there's plenty of food if you're not wasting it.
when you step the firsttime on that plate, you get sourrounded by the three spiders and on hard your done.
The 2nd time, i quickly stepped two steps forward and the spiders where no problem.
and those ogers, to simpel
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster