Could anyone please hint to me where the ♥♥♥♥ these "lone pillars" even are? I found the note in the Castle referring to them, and apparently everyone but me has found the pillars being referenced and it's driving me ♥♥♥♥ing insane. Am I just retarded?! This is the only time I've gotten stumped during my entire 40 hour first play through. I have gone up and down this goddamn castle for two hours looking at every single pillar looking ♥♥♥♥ing thing in it and I see nothing but the same copy pasted stone texture everywhere. I looked outside. I went to anything that looked like a pillar on the ENTIRE map and can't determine if any of them are any more "lone" than the next ones... what does "lone" even mean? Standing alone? Not supporting anything, like a pillar would? Not being against anything? Not being with other pillars? WTF?! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! The ♥♥♥♥ing note had me thinking I needed to run in circles around all of the pillars in the castle with the second line and that did nothing. Do you know how many "pillars" are in this game?! Hours worth of searching and running around them in circles worth... HOURS.
I don't want the levers spoiled for me. It must have something to do with that note and the ♥♥♥♥ing pillars... my question is, WHAT PILLARS? WHERE? PLEASE. THERE ARE PILLARS EVERYWHERE!
WHY AM I APPARENTLY BLIND? Am I taking "pillar" too literally???
Please, send hints. Thanks... this is infuriating... literally nothing else to do (that I know of).
Sometimes puzzles are simply bad, just watch a youtube clip with the solution and move on.
This lever puzzle and the snake staff were the 2 things I had to look up as well.
I feel indifferent about solving puzzles. It's not that I feel great accomplishment solving some puzzles on my own, neither do I feel bad for looking up the solution from a puzzle when I can't solve it after 5 minutes of scratching my head. Games are there for entertainment. If you get mad by a game it's not entertainment anymore and more a compulsive thing to accomplish regardless if you're having fun or not.
Just enjoy the game and accept that you can't solve everything
You don't have to agree with the rules and puzzles the creator enforces upon you with mandatory riddles and puzzles that may or not may make sense. Consider it like skipping an annoying commercial or something like that.
But as a hint:
This lever puzzle and the snake staff were the 2 things I had to look up as well.
I feel indifferent about solving puzzles. It's not that I feel great accomplishment solving some puzzles on my own, neither do I feel bad for looking up the solution from a puzzle when I can't solve it after 5 minutes of scratching my head. Games are there for entertainment. If you get mad by a game it's not entertainment anymore and more a compulsive thing to accomplish regardless if you're having fun or not.
Just enjoy the game and accept that you can't solve everything

You don't have to agree with the rules and puzzles the creator enforces upon you with mandatory riddles and puzzles that may or not may make sense. Consider it like skipping an annoying commercial or something like that.
But as a hint:
Around the lone pillars. Don't let tired feet stop you hints at making 3 full circles around the pillars in the Library map to make something happen.
- Dr.Disaster
- Posts: 2876
- Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:48 am
Seriously? You made it all the way into the castle to throw a tantrum? How about a look at the floor map?
The library alone has 3 pillars and by now you should know that hints usually refer to the floor / area you are on / in.
FYI: the thread you first posted in has the solution for the library in spoiler tags.
As I stated, I looked at literally the entire world map and went and looked at every single small circle - i.e. every single "pillar". I spent hours going to every one of them, looking up and down them on all sides, finding nothing of significance, and then I tried running around them because the note says something about not letting your feet tire you - i.e. keep at it and eventually something will happen, is what I gathered. There are no "pillars" on the map in the Library. WHAT PILLARS? There are "pillars" built into the walls on that floor, but I can't run around them and they all have only one side, and they all have the same stone texture with no significance. Regardless of that, I looked anyways. I looked diligently at all the book shelves too... nothing. WHAT "LONE" PILLARS? How am I not seeing them?Dr.Disaster wrote: ↑Sun Mar 03, 2019 1:50 pm Seriously? You made it all the way into the castle to throw a tantrum? How about a look at the floor map?
The library alone has 3 pillars and by now you should know that hints usually refer to the floor / area you are on / in.
FYI: the thread you first posted in has the solution for the library in spoiler tags.
Well, thanks for the hint and not outright spoiling it, but I'm still stumped... After being able to figure out everything else in the game on my own, I wanted the satisfaction of not having to look this one up, but I have a feeling my understanding of what a "pillar" is has me looking past what's apparently obvious to most everyone else. Hours of looking at every single pillar on the whole island broke me.
I see no "pillars" on the map for the Library...

The pillars are a little "bigger"
- Dr.Disaster
- Posts: 2876
- Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:48 am
Think bigger. What you call "pillar" i'd call beam at best. A pillar is something you can walk around.Leidulfr wrote: ↑Sun Mar 03, 2019 5:48 pmAs I stated, I looked at literally the entire world map and went and looked at every single small circle - i.e. every single "pillar". I spent hours going to every one of them, looking up and down them on all sides, finding nothing of significance, and then I tried running around them because the note says something about not letting your feet tire you - i.e. keep at it and eventually something will happen, is what I gathered. There are no "pillars" on the map in the Library. WHAT PILLARS? There are "pillars" built into the walls on that floor, but I can't run around them and they all have only one side, and they all have the same stone texture with no significance. Regardless of that, I looked anyways. I looked diligently at all the book shelves too... nothing. WHAT "LONE" PILLARS? How am I not seeing them?Dr.Disaster wrote: ↑Sun Mar 03, 2019 1:50 pm Seriously? You made it all the way into the castle to throw a tantrum? How about a look at the floor map?
The library alone has 3 pillars and by now you should know that hints usually refer to the floor / area you are on / in.
FYI: the thread you first posted in has the solution for the library in spoiler tags.
Go to the 3 spots in the library where you can do that and pay attention.
... wow... so, the free standing bookshelves. Out of all the words they could have used to put in that hint, in a game full of actual, definitive pillars, and especially in a castle with tons of them on the floor just before the one you find that note in, they refer to the four sided, free standing bookshelves as pillars. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!
I spent so many hours going throughout the island looking at all the pillars and I didn't even need to find pillars to begin with... LUL
Thanks for the hint! Sorry for "throwing a tantrum." I was just being internet expressive. I'm surprised I got any replies considering how long I put this game off and how old it is now.
Beams vs. Pillars, IRL , BTW:

Pillars in game:

Columns (cylindrical pillars) in game:

Freestanding Bookshelves with Pilasters (the square, shallow pillars used to buttress a wall or corner of a wall) in game (admittedly, arguably massive pillars multi-purposed as bookshelves IF you stand far enough away and free look up past what's normally visible on a 1080p vertical resolution monitor to notice that--in the dark--they do appear to be supporting the ceiling, of which I did not notice because I was so distracted by the immense amount of OBVIOUS pillars in the game):

I spent so many hours going throughout the island looking at all the pillars and I didn't even need to find pillars to begin with... LUL
Thanks for the hint! Sorry for "throwing a tantrum." I was just being internet expressive. I'm surprised I got any replies considering how long I put this game off and how old it is now.
Beams vs. Pillars, IRL , BTW:

Pillars in game:

Columns (cylindrical pillars) in game:

Freestanding Bookshelves with Pilasters (the square, shallow pillars used to buttress a wall or corner of a wall) in game (admittedly, arguably massive pillars multi-purposed as bookshelves IF you stand far enough away and free look up past what's normally visible on a 1080p vertical resolution monitor to notice that--in the dark--they do appear to be supporting the ceiling, of which I did not notice because I was so distracted by the immense amount of OBVIOUS pillars in the game):