I am currently playing with a fighter/rogue/rogue/mage group.
I took earth thinking poisons would be a good route. After the fact I regret it as many things (undead) seem to be immune to it. Either way, it seems with so few spells (and what seems to be very weak ones) that mages are fairly useless. A ranged rogue w/ a cross bow or even rear ranks melee skill would do a lot more damage. I am sure other paths would been better damagewise, but still seems like they don't do enough dmg to be worth the hassle.
Poison shield is pretty nice, and that's one thing I like about earth, I am not sure if they spells scale as you level up your elemental skill, I think fire/air would have been way better choice. After getting improved poison bolt, (which is fairly weak anyway) I think I am better off just using him as a utility caster. I use the poison cloud on longer fights, but 1-4 dmg every 5 seconds or so doesn't really change a fight much at my level.
Magic useless?
Re: Magic useless?
Nope, it's just Earth magic that's useless. The other schools are very powerful and useful.
Re: Magic useless?
Ice magic is devastating. Also it freezes them.
Re: Magic useless?
i second that... i have 2 mages in my group, one does air/earth, and one fire/ice
earth is the least useful, all the other schools are great
earth is the least useful, all the other schools are great
- schiz0phren1c
- Posts: 33
- Joined: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:04 am
Re: Magic useless?
Same here,
My Ice Mage with is kicking serious ass,considering dropping my Rouge for another Mage next party.
My Ice Mage with
Upgraded Icebolt
Re: Magic useless?
Not being the "Call of Duty" type, I am partial the spell casters..
All my parties so far are two fighters and two mages..
The mages look down on the fighters make like they are retarded. This breeds contempt on the part of the fighters. Before the game concludes, the fighters turn on the mages and murder them.. They had it comming..
....Fire first, then ice.. two mages working these two elements will go far.. Poison resist for the fighters is also a good idea..
All my parties so far are two fighters and two mages..
The mages look down on the fighters make like they are retarded. This breeds contempt on the part of the fighters. Before the game concludes, the fighters turn on the mages and murder them.. They had it comming..
....Fire first, then ice.. two mages working these two elements will go far.. Poison resist for the fighters is also a good idea..
Re: Magic useless?
i want my 7pts from earth magic back, it sucks 
Anyways I have one fire and one air mage (for invis). Seems to work OK as long as the mages have mana, which is usually not that long when monsters just keep on coming.

Anyways I have one fire and one air mage (for invis). Seems to work OK as long as the mages have mana, which is usually not that long when monsters just keep on coming.
Re: Magic useless?
...which has what to do with anything, exactly?larkin wrote:Not being the "Call of Duty" type, I am partial the spell casters..
Re: Magic useless?
My thoughts:
My first play thru I used 2 mages, one fire one ice and I never looked back 
Earth magic seems pants, after reading the skills I dismissed it completely, seems I made the right choice from what other people say
Ice magic - quite low damage, but the freeze; its so OP - you can get at least 4 free hits in + another cast of ice magic
Fire Magic - fairly decent damage, with a DoT burn effect - unfortunately some mobs are immune to fire - fire shield a nice bonus
Air Magic - I've not used it but it seems high damage - also comes with lighting shield and invisibility
Ice magic - quite low damage, but the freeze; its so OP - you can get at least 4 free hits in + another cast of ice magic
Fire Magic - fairly decent damage, with a DoT burn effect - unfortunately some mobs are immune to fire - fire shield a nice bonus
Air Magic - I've not used it but it seems high damage - also comes with lighting shield and invisibility