I started looking into this yesterday, here is what I have so far. its still WIP but usable (still using slime hit goo and sounds etc). This is a minimal lazy rig (just 4 bones).
But this will help anyone that wants to start making his own monsters.
Here its how it looks in action.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eNEys7 ... e=youtu.be
Here are the Blender files.
https://www.zorglubb.net/grimrock/dropz ... lender.zip
We have a master file (without animation), idle, walk forward, turnleft and turnright.
Here are the editor assets.
https://www.zorglubb.net/grimrock/dropz ... usCube.zip
Here are the problems

swarm = true makes the cube engulf the party, but it ignores projectiles (in the youtube video its set to false).
I can't get screenEffect to work with the attack , it always gets ignored along with causeCondition = "diseased" and its change.
Someone with better scripting knowledge will probably best the hell out if this for sure

Here are what folks should keep a close eye if you want to modify this.
You need to be using minmay's updated export script to export these blend files directly, read about it here.
Capsule node is important, like REALLY IMPORTANT, all monsters need one. If you see your monster blinking in and out then the capsule node is exiting the players view and the model gets culled from view (occluded).
Capsule should be animated along with the mesh if moving between squares.
local_srt is importan, like REALLY IMPORTANT

All monsters need a head node (its where particle effects spawn for monster condition like sleep, stun etc.) I just named the top bone head for maximum lazy points.
The light is bound to the hip bone, if the light is not bound to a bone or an empty node then it will "jump" from square to square.
The hit animations are just the idle one (again going for the lazy points).
I have not tested this model extensively, so bugs are more then likely.
anyone feel free to jump into the lua code to make this more awesome

kind regards.