Reworked the Hunter class. Previously all it did was gain a crit buff when attacking with missiles (which was a pretty bad hack in the code) and a simple pierce bonus
The new Hunter is more thematically focused into being a wise hunter of the jungles. The buffs you gain allow for many builds, even being a spell caster
The Willpower bonus to damage starts at +10% at 10 Willpower and goes up to around +60% at 50 Willpower (I even got a graph ^^)
And the buff stacks will show up in the attack panel, showing stacks and a timer bar:
It's a pretty straightforward dual wielding focused class, but with some extra perks. All attacks from behind will deal extra damage that ignores the target's protection and that works even with ranged attacks
I'll also be posting the skills I'm working on, one per day if possible
Worth noting about the level 5 perk is that in my mod Potions heal over time (regular ones last 16 seconds, big ones last 8). They still heal wounds, but it's random at which point during the duration it happens. This perk also has the hidden bonus of healing wounds sooner
Since my onDrawSkills is completely redrawing the display, I can edit the text in photoshop to make it more organized and pretty. Only problem is that is doesn't show like this in the party creation screen but that's fine
I can also use this to point out some of the mod's mechanic changes. For instance, I removed firearm malfunctioning for this grazing mechanic. Guns wont jam or backfire, but with low Firearm skill points your shots may barely hit the target, dealing a lot less damage
The balance of what you've already posted seems ridiculously all over the place.
Average Joe, carnivorous and built resistance are significantly worse than most worthwhile base game perks, while persistence and bite are must-have good (the latter if the stat bonuses are calculated as for weapons).
Block is a terrible waste of skillpoints, except maybe for the level 2 bonus. Accuracy is already pretty much never worth investing beyond 1-2 points, and for its capstone perk you have an insulting 'deal on average +2.5 damage vs some enemies'.
Putting herb growth as an alchemy 1 perk makes optimal play picking it up on all 4 characters and doing annoying inventory juggling. (unless the mod is so short herb growth isn't worthwhile at all)