LOG Linux Native Verson Question

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LOG Linux Native Verson Question

Post by HypnoToad »

I have Ubuntu 18.04, if I get the native Linux version of LOG for Steam, will all the custom dungeons work like they do on the PC version?
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Re: LOG Linux Native Verson Question

Post by minmay »

Sorta. There are a few differences between the Windows version and the Mac+Linux versions.
In favor of the Mac/Linux versions, the Windows version uses Direct3D 9 for rendering whereas the Mac+Linux versions use a slightly different, and generally better, OpenGL rendering engine. The big visual difference between the two is that the Mac/Linux version has much better color resolution in shadowed areas. They also use a lot less of your system RAM (Direct3D 9 stores copies of textures in both main memory and video memory, the OpenGL engine only stores them in video memory), and could theoretically have other performance differences but that's unlikely to be noticeable unless you have the exact right kind of really old GPU.

In favor of the Windows version, the Mac+Linux versions also use a different audio engine, and it was implemented without quite enough consideration for custom dungeon compatibility. There are ways to make the game crash by loading/playing sounds, that custom dungeons can sometimes produce, and these ways are different in the Windows and non-Windows versions: some sound files can be loaded in the Windows version but crash the others, some sound files can be loaded/played in the others but crash the Windows version, and the non-Windows versions crash if too many sounds are played at once. However, because most custom dungeons are made by people using Windows, you'll encounter the Mac+Linux-only crashes in far more custom dungeons than the Windows-only ones. You can get hours into a custom dungeon and then enter a level with 500 enemies and be unable to proceed because it just crashes the Linux version immediately due to too many sounds. You can hack the game to get rid of these crashes, but that isn't especially convenient.

The Linux version also comes with both 32-bit and 64-bit executables whereas the Windows version only has 32-bit, if you care about that.
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Re: LOG Linux Native Verson Question

Post by HypnoToad »

Thanks for all that, I have the Windows version and have a dual boot setup but prefer to use Ubuntu, would be nice to be able to have everything working in the one OS, guess it's not as easy as I thought.

May have to use Steamplay, as I guess that would solve the sound issues.
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