[MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by THOM »

Ah, this secret, yes - how to describe without telling everything?
This is one of the secrets where you have not to find a spot on the map but do the right thing.

In this case you have to do something in the ogre's area. Have a look - maybe you will spot something risky...
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by ilovemazes99 »

I figured that one out. I had a weird feeling there was something to do there and had marked that spot on my map, but I don't know if I would have ever figured that one out on my own.

New one regarding a secret in the crypt in Galamdis castle:
I've oracled a secret next to a niche near the large room where I had the ghosts meet. I'm guessing I need to stick something in the niche, but again, I have no hints or notes. I've tried just about everything in my inventory with no luck. Do you have any hints on this one?
Edit: I figured this one out too! Last possible thing I could think of.

Last edited by ilovemazes99 on Wed Oct 12, 2022 12:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by THOM »

Sure I have a hint:
You have put the needed item probably elsewhere. You have put it always there then...
Ah - you have made it by your own. Okay, I let this post as it is anyway.
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by ilovemazes99 »

THOM wrote: Thu Sep 22, 2022 11:16 pm Hey ilovemazes99 - you seem to make progress! 8-)
Oh, yes - the Tome of Memories is a real thing.

About a slug egg - mmmh. It's really not easy to get one. Maybe you were able to catch one very early in the game in the Cellar level. Even this would have been not an easy task.

If not, then there is one single possibility later in the game. But only for attentive people.

If you ask, how this is possible - wait and see...

Regarding one of the witches items:
I didn't catch the slug egg on the cellar level. I thought that meant automatic death, so I didn't bother trying (not that I knew I needed it later in the game). Can you say what later level the slug could be found on without saying exactly where it is?
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by THOM »

It's in the Mine Level in the room with the teleporter that brings you back to the Laboratory. - The spot is quite obvious, but you can lock it up by activating the teleporter...
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by ilovemazes99 »

THOM wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:10 am Well...
It's in the Mine Level in the room with the teleporter that brings you back to the Laboratory. - The spot is quite obvious, but you can lock it up by activating the teleporter...
I don't know if I'd call it obvious. There is no reason to even think it would be hidden there. I in fact did block it, so I used the console to jump me there and back. Very cool...the tome of memories.

Regarding the gardens of longanimity:
ilovemazes99 wrote: ↑
Thu Oct 06, 2022 11:35 am
In the gardens, your hint for the pedestals was, "share some wealth In the moment of triumph" Is this a secret? I had 20 secrets before going to the forest, so I think I'm just missing this one, if it is a secret.

Your response - Can't look it up right now, but I'm pretty sure it's no secret.

ilovemazes99 wrote: ↑
Thu Oct 06, 2022 11:35 am
Can I still get it even if it's not in the moment of triumph anymore? I tried putting different things on the pedestals (silver coins, the scrolls of the respective animal, and can't seem to trigger anything. What am I missing?

Your response - You've missed a snail...

I still can't seem to figure this out. I have that stone snail. But that didn't do anything on the pedestals. There are real snails crawling around, but I can't pick those up. What else am I missing?
Regarding a mine secret:
I've found 3 so far: 1) the anvils for the bomb 2) the placement of the bomb and subsequent draining of the lava, and 3) using the pickaxe in the bottom left corner of the lower level for the crystal shard and potion of strength. I can't figure out where the last one is. I think I've oracled everywhere and am now wondering if I found it and forgot to mark out (although I've been pretty good at making sure to do that). What is the last secret in the mine?
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by THOM »

Regarding the gardens of longanimity:
Well, it's the stone snail. But if you already have solved all rooms of the gardens then it won't do anything.
The inscription in the maingarden says "If the snail is with you, You can share in its wealth In the moment of triumph." This means "in the moment when you solve one puzzle of a room and the snail is on the pedestal of the room".
You will get extra XP then.
Regarding a mine secret:
This are the secrets of the mine levels:
- opening secret room behind crystal (the one with the teleporter to the Laborytory)
- reaching the bomb in the anvil room
- finding secret area in south-west, lower level
- draining off lava with help of the bomb
Maybe you have activated all of them and miss another one?
THOM formaly known as tschrage
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Re: [MOD] Journey To Justice v2.1

Post by ilovemazes99 »

THOM wrote: Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:06 am Regarding the gardens of longanimity:
Well, it's the stone snail. But if you already have solved all rooms of the gardens then it won't do anything.
The inscription in the maingarden says "If the snail is with you, You can share in its wealth In the moment of triumph." This means "in the moment when you solve one puzzle of a room and the snail is on the pedestal of the room".
You will get extra XP then.
Regarding a mine secret:
This are the secrets of the mine levels:
- opening secret room behind crystal (the one with the teleporter to the Laborytory)
- reaching the bomb in the anvil room
- finding secret area in south-west, lower level
- draining off lava with help of the bomb
Maybe you have activated all of them and miss another one?
Ah, I see now. Oh well, the missed XP isn't so bad as I'm using an imported party.

In the mine, I must've found all 4 secrets and didn't realize the first one listed was a secret. I'm at 35 without the mountains, so I must be missing a few from the beginning of the game, before the laboratory.

Thanks for the help!
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Journey to justice

Post by Patryanreno »

Hello, I wonder if anyone can help me as I am stuck in the swamp in Journey to justice. I am at a face that the message reads; Let the Daemon drink something noxious if you please. I have tried everything in my infantry to no avail. Also I find it very hard to navigate the swamp area, any tips? Thank you.
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Re: Journey to justice

Post by poqwer11 »

Patryanreno wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:20 pm Hello, I wonder if anyone can help me as I am stuck in the swamp in Journey to justice. I am at a face that the message reads; Let the Daemon drink something noxious if you please.
it's probably a poison potion!
Patryanreno wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 1:20 pm I have tried everything in my infantry to no avail. Also I find it very hard to navigate the swamp area, any tips?
only by memory and lanterns !
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