I hope the fan base is still alive...

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I hope the fan base is still alive...

Post by AkiMatti »

Hi everyone still lurking in these dark depths!

So I've played the first Grimrock back when it came out and a while back got the sequel in a sale.
I've started to get into modding and at first I noticed grimwiki had been put down and I found scripting reference through internet wayback machine.
Now I've finally found these forums and a month or so I've been scavenging these posts and threads for useful scripting and modding information.

It almost feels like walking the halls of Grimrock since I'm so late to the party that most people seem to have left for other games already.
I'm not even sure if anyone will see this post...

I still want to thank Almost Human for making the games, they are very fun! Its hard to find time for playing with all the other stuff going on in my life but its a good escape. I've also made many small dungeons for LoG1 that I use at work (at primary school) with small kids. I currently have one bigger dungeon in works, Bible themed. Not sure what will come of it, but I'm trying. I'm also thinking about doing a dungeon with math puzzles but have some barriers with implementing my ideas..

Also thanks to everyone for making these forums as great as they seem!
Many programmers seem to be fans of the game, or so it seems based on the mod quality. I've been a programmer, too, and it helps with scripting but since its been years out of that field it takes a while to get back at it.

Anyway, this is my hello!
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Re: I hope the fan base is still alive...

Post by Isaac »


There are people still here, also there is the Grimrock Discord user channel. With the exception of this month's service interruption (site went down), it has been two to eight years since any of the devs have logged in. :(
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Re: I hope the fan base is still alive...

Post by AkiMatti »

I suppose the devs are preoccupied with other projects. Until Grimrock 3 is in the works I don't suppose they will come back.
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Re: I hope the fan base is still alive...

Post by Isaac »

AkiMatti wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2023 3:41 pm I suppose the devs are preoccupied with other projects. Until Grimrock 3 is in the works I don't suppose they will come back.
Not wanting to dash dreams, but it seems (at least it appears) that they have moved on from the series and even the company itself. The principle developers have released a new game under a differently named studio, as well as posting thoughts about a Grimrock 3.
I would buy a FRUA style LoG2 commercial editor for Grimrock (and/or Druidstone), better yet a BTC style editor; with or without a new campaign from it.
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Re: I hope the fan base is still alive...

Post by 7Soul »

Replying since the discord link is in my signature ;)
Join the LoG discord server: https://discord.gg/S6pYmuAwWm :D

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Zo Kath Ra
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Re: I hope the fan base is still alive...

Post by Zo Kath Ra »

Isaac wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:55 pm I would buy a FRUA style LoG2 commercial editor for Grimrock (and/or Druidstone), better yet a BTC style editor; with or without a new campaign from it.
I know what FRUA is :)
And I'm sure everyone except me knows what BTC is, other than Bitcoin.
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Re: I hope the fan base is still alive...

Post by Isaac »

Zo Kath Ra wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2023 10:42 am I know what FRUA is :)
And I'm sure everyone except me knows what BTC is, other than Bitcoin.
I should have typed BTCS, for the Bard's Tale Construction Set.

A principle difference is that SSI did not own the D&D license, and so FRUA had to be the means of running any FRUA based games, where as BTCS can export fully functional game executables based on the Bard's Tale engine.

A Grimrock engine based game editor (with export like BTCS) would —could— allow end users to create commercial dungeon crawlers based on their own IPs; though certain library code would need to be cleared for use, replaced, or re-implemented by Almost Human/Petri.

I'd like to see the same done with the Shinobi engine (used for Druidstone). I think it could be used to make fantastic games of a similar design as
"Temple of Elemental Evil", by Troika studios.

We had so much fun modding LoG 1&2 with deep customization using script hacks and custom importers, just imagine if the editor were expanded to be more than just a mapper, and had full customization features built in by design. :shock:

*I don't think that this would preclude an eventual Grimrock 3 from AH/CTRL+Ninja, for having distributed version 2 of the Grimrock engine as a separate product.
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Sir Tawmis
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Re: I hope the fan base is still alive...

Post by Sir Tawmis »

AkiMatti wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 4:36 pm Hi everyone still lurking in these dark depths!
So I've played the first Grimrock back when it came out and a while back got the sequel in a sale.
I've started to get into modding and at first I noticed grimwiki had been put down and I found scripting reference through internet wayback machine.
Now I've finally found these forums and a month or so I've been scavenging these posts and threads for useful scripting and modding information.
It almost feels like walking the halls of Grimrock since I'm so late to the party that most people seem to have left for other games already.
I'm not even sure if anyone will see this post...
I still want to thank Almost Human for making the games, they are very fun! Its hard to find time for playing with all the other stuff going on in my life but its a good escape. I've also made many small dungeons for LoG1 that I use at work (at primary school) with small kids. I currently have one bigger dungeon in works, Bible themed. Not sure what will come of it, but I'm trying. I'm also thinking about doing a dungeon with math puzzles but have some barriers with implementing my ideas..
Also thanks to everyone for making these forums as great as they seem!
Many programmers seem to be fans of the game, or so it seems based on the mod quality. I've been a programmer, too, and it helps with scripting but since its been years out of that field it takes a while to get back at it.
Anyway, this is my hello!
Welcome! And if you're into modding - the LOG Modding folks - there's a handful - but they're active and very wise! So you can head into the Modding forum if you've not already and drop them some questions - and I'd be beyond surprised if they didn't know the answer.
Define ... 'Lost.' Neverending Nights - The Neverwinter Machinima that WILL make you laugh!
Also read: Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance here on the forum! Check out the site I made for Legend of Grimrock: Destiny's Chance.
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Re: I hope the fan base is still alive...

Post by AkiMatti »

Thank you to all who responded, its nice to see that there are still people present!
I'm hoping to publish my dungeon during the winter for people to try if people are still playing LoG1 mods...
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Re: I hope the fan base is still alive...

Post by andyroosta »

Hello, i'm still playing Grimrock 1 & 2 mods too!
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