This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck or if you want to discuss the nitty gritty details of the dungeons within Mount Grimrock. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
blackwoodforest wrote:I haven´t found any key as well and PLEASE don´t tell me it could have been in the ONE spider i made fall down in the pit to level 4!!
Well, I'm not telling you this ... except it is ...
blackwoodforest wrote:I haven´t found any key as well and PLEASE don´t tell me it could have been in the ONE spider i made fall down in the pit to level 4!!
Go jump in the pit..there are actually areas underneath a lot of these pits...and items you might miss otherwise. Some of those places can only be reached from that pit.
blackwoodforest wrote:I haven´t found any key as well and PLEASE don´t tell me it could have been in the ONE spider i made fall down in the pit to level 4!!
Go jump in the pit..there are actually areas underneath a lot of these pits...and items you might miss otherwise. Some of those places can only be reached from that pit.
You HAVE to jump into EVERY single pit you see, on EVERY level. Otherwise you'll miss out on a TON of stuff.
Gold key solution...but now, where is the damn door that it goes to?
This may help.. There is a door that you have access to both sides. If you know this there is no reason to open it..If you skip it, the spider with the key will not spawn
I too conducted a search for the gold key. "Everywhere!"
When I opened the door mentioned above, the spider spawned..
well,the trick is in the secret triggers near the spiders ,a small room 4x4 sqaure,lit by a torch with some thin pillars inbetween the area,if you run around there enough,you can hear doors opening in the distance,more spiders stat moving about
HA I had same problem was stanting in front of Golden keyhole fumeing over not being able to find key after searching level multiple times finally came here to get hints. As soon as I reloaded game from save beside the door the Spider was right in my face startled me but I got key!!
If you remember correctly a note from Toorum is by the door, and says that he has no idea how to open the door. This could mean that a golden key doesn't spawn when you play Toorum.